Sexual Advances Part 1

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Natasha was at work going over files in her office. She dressed professionally just like she does everyday. Her hair was down and straight down to her shoulders. She always wore a hair tie on her wrist in case her hair bothered her. She worked for Draco Malfoy bully and ex death eater in his office of Malfoy Incorporated.

She had her own office that looked over Diagon Alley with a nice view. She had an intercom to communicate with Draco if he needed files. She even had her own bathroom to take a bathroom break when she needed to so she didn't have to share with the other employees. She heard the buzzer from her intercom and heard Draco's voice from the other end.

D'Ostroph I need those files on marketing right away! She heard him demand for she pushed the button and spoke to him.

Right away Mr.Malfoy. She replied back she got the marketing files he needed and walked over to his office which was down the hall. She went into his office and saw he had drawn the shades down not having a speck of sunlight in the room. Draco was sitting behind a black desk in his leather chair writing with his quill. He aged well considering she's been working with him for seven years since they graduated from Hogwarts his hair had grown some his bangs were over his eyebrows he had skeletal features that made him handsome she couldn't deny that aspect she spoke to him.

"Here's your marketing files Mr.Malfoy!" She told him with an attitude dropping the files over what he was writing. He looked up and spoke to her.

"Oohh someone's got an attitude this afternoon." He told her taunting her like he always has Natasha scoffed and spoke to him.

"Well I wouldn't have an attitude if someone wouldn't bark at the intercom every half hour wanting files for something especially when he can get off his lazy arse and get them himself." Natasha told him getting mad at him Draco gave her a scowl and spoke to her.

"Well you're being paid for the work I give you D'Ostroph. That includes giving me files that I really need. Now maybe you wouldn't be so uptight if you had great sex once in a while. But seeing as how Severus Snape is your father no one will ever date you cause they are just too scared of him and with good reason." He told her scowling at her he had done it she was pissed off now and she spoke to him.

"You're a total jackarse Draco Malfoy! It's not my fault people are scared of Severus Snape! He has to be the disciplinarian and punish people who deserve to be punished. Thank you for reminding me I'm gonna be a virgin the rest of my natural life!" She shouted him she turned around and slammed the door loud. He stepped in big with her this time he wouldn't be surprised if she quit on him.

He got up from his desk his marketing files forgotten. He ended up pacing the floor wondering what to do or say to make it up to her apologize for his A-holian behavior. He doesn't have the heart to fire her. He knows she's a war heroine and he was a bully an ex death eater he spoke aloud to himself.

"Gods I'm a complete arse towards her. She's a war hero and I'm the bully the ex death eater who fought on his side for two years. I took my mark at sixteen before the start of my sixth year. I attended meetings since he returned at the end of my fourth year." He said aloud to himself while pacing the floor in front of his desk he spoke aloud to himself again.

"Merlin she's pretty. Oh what I wouldn't give to have her on my desk bent over and hearing her moan out my name in pure bliss. Oh I've imagined myself pounding into her vagina and her bum. She'd be mine. I'd ruin her for other wizards. Lucky me. Hmm I've imagined her looking helpless. Being strapped to the ceiling in chains or restraints while I fuck her senseless. Hmm her sucking my snake and swallowing what came out of me. Fuck! Her riding me while I watch her chest bounce in front of me. Oh sweet Jesus!" He said aloud to himself he can't help it. Draco's always wanted her ever since fourth year when he saw her at the Yule Ball.

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