Draco's Wishes

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It was the next morning Draco could tell because he pulled the curtain from his bed and saw it was morning. He pulled the curtain back so him and his Twinkle are ensconced in darkness. Draco slept better last night cause his Twinkle was with him. He loved the song she sang to him last night. It was a beautiful song. He knew that this morning he had to tell Natasha the truth that last night was real and not a dream or a fantasy.

He hopes she will not be mad at him for last night by not telling her. Natasha moaned and stirred but didn't wake up. Draco held her all night long. He just wanted to hold her all night for as long as he intended too. Natasha woke up and smiled she saw Draco's face and caressed it softly and spoke to him.

"Waiting for me to be with you my love?" She asked him Draco chuckled and answered her.

"Of course I was Twinkle. I'd wait forever for you because you're worth it." Draco told her Natasha yawned and spoke to him.

"I can't wait until we do some naughty things my love. I bet you have all kinds of naughty plans for us to endure for us today." She told him sexily Draco was turned on he laughed and rolled on top of her and spoke to her.

"Twinkle I have something to tell you. My only wish is that you won't be mad at me for telling you this." Draco told her sadly Natasha saw his eyes glisten like they want to cry she spoke to him.

"I promise Draco. Now tell me what you want to tell me and be naughty with me my love." She told him Draco sighed heavily his eyes were glossy and spoke to her.

"Twinkle last night was not a fantasy or a dream." Draco started out Natasha had a look of disbelief on her face and spoke.

"What?" She asked in disbelief Draco spoke to her.

"Twinkle last night was very much very real. I just didn't know how to talk to you without being all harsh and sarcastic like I usually am. When I came up to you last night and massaged your shoulders you thought it was a dream or a fantasy but it wasn't. I just played into it. It was my only chance for you to see the real me without all my harshness and sarcasticness. I loved you Twinkle I still love you. I have wishes too, Twinkle. I wish for us to be together married with children. Living out our happily ever after together forever. I saw you naked before Twinkle. Yes you are voluptuous and curvaceous but that's all right Twinkle it's more of you for me to love. You have a nice body curves on top of curves. You have a nice chest too I'm guessing they will fit into my equally large hands. You have a nice bum too Twinkle. I wanted to romance you and have you love me as I am. Which is why I showed you my fresh mark to begin with. All I wish for is that you love me for me for who I am not because I'm a Malfoy and my fathers high up in the ministry. You have nothing to be embarrassed about Twinkle. I mean it Twinkle you have nothing to be embarrassed about what you said to me last night. I'd never use that against you Twinkle. Never." He told her his voice serious.

Natasha felt his hot breath fanning her face. She closed her eyes unable to face him now. All she wanted was to wake up in her own room and pretend like nothing ever happened. She wished to be in her own room in Spinners End she wished everything that she said to him last night had been erased. She closed her eyes tighter but then she heard Draco's voice.

"Twinkle please look at me? Please my shining star?" Draco's voice pleaded a lump in his throat his mind praying she looks at him. Natasha opened her eyes slowly she saw him through hooded eyelids Draco sang to her the same song she sang to him but only remembering a certain part of the song.

🎶love is beauty love is pure🎶
🎶love pays no mind to desolation🎶
🎶it flows like a river through the soul🎶
🎶protects proceeds and perseveres and makes us whole🎶

Natasha and Draco One shots Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant