What? Part 1

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Draco is now a 25 year old man living on his own with his thoughts. He cursed the day Bellatrix killed his one and only true love Natasha. He never approached her with niceness but he did love her with his heart. His way of being near her and hearing her talk was bullying her. Her and Snape died in the final battle of Hogwarts. Snape was bitten by Nagnini and Bellatrix killed Natasha. Draco was furious when he heard the news. When he inherited the manor he dedicated a whole room dedicated to his true love Natasha.

He had moving pictures of her everywhere from first year all the way to the final battle. He dreamed of winning her heart after the war was over and done with. He had some of her things that he bought her books she's read her quills she's lost. Her stuffed animals her muggle player and muggle music her posters. He even has her photo albums. Yeah he was really in love with Natasha. He damned himself for not taking a chance when he could. Even his Amortentia smelled like her chocolate and peanut butter and green apples.

Narcissa begged Draco to marry but there was no one else he saw other than Natasha. He didn't want to give someone else his love that wasn't her. As silly as it sounded he felt he would be cheating on her even thought they weren't dating. No he wasn't having that. He wanted to be loyal and truthful to her until the day he died. Even if that meant he was single for the rest of his natural life with no child. He's always imagined a child with Natasha but now it would never happen. He's bought her jewelry he's imagined her wearing he goes into the room he's created for her when he's emotionally down which is all the time.

Narcissa knows exactly where to look for Draco when she comes to visit him. She knows his depression isn't healthy for him and decided to take action she spoke with Hermione Granger and Harry Potter about Draco's problem. They had come with her to Malfoy manor just to speak with him Narcissa spoke.

"Oh I hope you two can get him to snap out of his depression. It isn't healthy for him. I know he still loves her but she's been gone for seven years now." Narcissa said to them in the foyer Hermione spoke to her.

"I had no idea he's cared about her so much Mrs.Malfoy. We can try to snap him out of it but we can't make any promises." Hermione said to her Harry chimed in.

"I doubt he'd listen to us Mrs.Malfoy. He never has before so I don't see how this situation would be any different." Harry said to her Narcissa spoke to him.

"Dears call me Narcissa none of that Mrs.Malfoy stuff. He's loved her since first year at Hogwarts he's kept her away from him cause he didn't want her harmed but that didn't help since my awful sister killed her." Narcissa said to them Hermione and Harry nodded and Hermione spoke to her.

"Where is Draco?" Hermione asked curiously Narcissa answered.

"Oh he's in the room he's created for her. Has pictures of her everywhere in there and listens to her muggle music. He took everything of hers from Snape's home in Spinners End even her clothes. He needs to snap out of this." Narcissa said to them Hermione and Harry nodded and Narcissa lead them to the room Draco created for Natasha she whispered for them to wait for her. She walked inside and saw Draco's shrine. It definitely grew since the last time she's seen it Draco sensed his mothers presence and spoke to her.

"Mother if you're trying to get me to marry the answer is no. Natasha was and is the love of my life. And in one fell swoop she was taken from me. As silly as it sounds mother I'd feel like I'm cheating on her. She deserves my eternal love and devotion even though she's no longer alive." Draco said to her Narcissa was completely taken by surprise and spoke to him.

"Listen Draco I've brought some people to help you with this. If you won't listen to me then listen to them. They are here to help. I want you to listen Draco that's the very least you can do." Narcissa said to him Draco scoffed as she left she came back with two people Draco had his back turned not wanting to see them Narcissa spoke to him. "Draco these people are here to help you. Just listen to them." Narcissa said to him Draco mumbled a whatever and someone spoke.

Natasha and Draco One shots Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant