Harry takes the card with a picture of the flowers in the background and silver glitter on the side, and reads it, the sweet words warm his heart and he hopes the kids know how much pleasure they bring in his life.

He can get clean in two places, the kids or Josie's bathroom. First he looks in the kids bathroom but finds nothing only dirty laundry and an unflushed toilet. After flushing it he rushes to Josie's bathroom finding the next card on the white bathroom cabinet.

The person who made the card has drawn little hearts next to a picture of an anemone, it's so pretty, Harry is impressed by the the work the kids put into this but he is sure Josie helped with the writing and finding the right flowers

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The person who made the card has drawn little hearts next to a picture of an anemone, it's so pretty, Harry is impressed by the the work the kids put into this but he is sure Josie helped with the writing and finding the right flowers.

Harry has to think for a moment about Lou's friend name, was it Iris? No Violet, is was Violet.

He runs downstairs because that's where the girls worked for their school project. His feet almost don't touch the steps, Harry is really enthusiastic by now and wants to know where all these clues lead him too.

When he enters the living room and looks at the wooden dining table, he immediately sees the pot with violets and a card with a beautiful painted cardboard frame. 

Harry is touched by the beautiful words, he never realised they paid this much attention and he is glad they know he is here for their mum but also for them, he is loyal and completely devoted to them

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Harry is touched by the beautiful words, he never realised they paid this much attention and he is glad they know he is here for their mum but also for them, he is loyal and completely devoted to them.

The place he cooks, that's easy he thinks while he walks to the kitchen with all the cards in his hands.

On the kitchen counter is a picture card with some white clover around, Harry is pretty sure they found it in the garden. He laughs with the card which was probably is made by Alex, the boy loves pink and he isn't scared to admit it any more.

 He laughs with the card which was probably is made by Alex, the boy loves pink and he isn't scared to admit it any more

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

He takes the card and walks to the garage where Josie keeps her rubbish, all neatly recycled into the right bins. He looks around and behind one of the bins Harry finds a glass vase with honeysuckle, Harry smells them and their sweet scent fills his nostrils.

He takes the honeysuckle into the kitchen and puts it on the kitchen table, he never took his coat of so he tries the backdoor to see if it is oand he is lucky

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

He takes the honeysuckle into the kitchen and puts it on the kitchen table, he never took his coat of so he tries the backdoor to see if it is oand he is lucky.

He walks onto the terrace and looks around the garden, in the middle of the grass is another vase filled with beautiful yellow daffodils and a card in front of it. Harry looks around, he feels like there are eyes on him but doesn't see anyone, he knows Josie and the kids are hidden somewhere. He takes the picture of some daffodils, like all the other cards it's prettily decorated with confetti at the corners and hearts on the side. When Harry reads the text his eyes fill with tears, his heart is filled with love and is ready to burst out of his chest.

 When Harry reads the text his eyes fill with tears, his heart is filled with love and is ready to burst out of his chest

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Harry never thought that the kids would be okay with him moving in with them. He has thought about it but he never really mentioned it because he and Josie have only been together for less than a year, he always thought they would think it's too soon. Harry looks down at the cards, tears streaming down his face, they made this treasure hunt because they want him to move in. Harry can't hold back a smile and turns around.

Josie, Alex and Lou are suddenly standing against the red brick back wall of the house, they look nervous. Lou is hopping from one leg to the other as though she needs to pee very urgently, Alex is biting his nails and Josie is chewing her beautiful red lips. Everyone is silent, Josie and Harry lock eyes but Lou startles them when she breaks the silence,

"Come on, Harry." the girl whines. "Will you move in with us?" Harry smiles and nods his head, that's all it takes for the kids to run to Harry followed by a smiling Josie.
Little Lou jumps in Harry's arms and throws her arms around Harry's neck. While he holds Lou with one arm Harry hugs Alex and ruffles his hair, knowing the boy isn't so keen on kisses any more. The kids are followed by their mum who puts her arms around the three most important people in her life.

"So you will come live with us, for real?" Josie asks, still smiling.

"Oh flower girl, there is no place I rather be than here with the three of you." Harry says before he bows his head and kisses her lips.

"I'm so lucky to have you three as my family, I love you all so much." Harry says with a smile before he hugs them closer.


A.N.: ❤️Happy Valentines Day
Thank you so much for reading "Every Rose Has its Thorn"!
I hope you enjoyed it
All the love,
K. x

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