Chapter 33

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I come out of the shower and look at my bed to see a bag.

Deja Vu...
(A/N hey it's chapter 8 all over again!)

I take out the dress and gasp, not Deja Vu anymore this one is the complete opposite of the last dress.

Sapphire blue replaced with a Scarlett red, instead of a short dress around my knees this one spread across the floor, instead of having it cover at least one arm it was a sleeved open back dress.

This is way too grand just for a dinner!

Then I looked at the dress again and frowned.

It definitely looks like it'll fit but here's the problem; red isn't my color...

I shivered and remembered I was still in a towel, I lifted the dress and walked over to the mirror, I pressed the dress to my chest and it really did look like it'll fit but...

I quickly put the dress on the bed and went to change.

I feel uncomfortable.

That dress is not me.


I can't believe I've just been staring at this dress for about an hour now.

After I had changed I went downstairs to look for Derick and when I couldn't find him I just came back and tried to sleep.

But I couldn't.

Why in the world do I feel insecure?
It's just a dress, right?
A dress he bought...
Or at least I hope he bought.

I know what to do.

I picked up my phone and called the one person I know I can call for things like these.

The phone rang a bit and a cheery voice finally picked up.

"Hello bitch! So glad you finally decided to call! It's amazing how you always seem to forget to call when you're with Mr. bipolar boss but whatever"

"I can explain, I was stuck in the middle of nowhere for the past two days but let's leave that story for another day, Chica I'm in trouble"

"When you say you're in trouble that means you're in trouble, what can I help with?"

"He invited me to dinner, he bought me a red dress"
"Don't tell me you still feel insecure in red?"

I didn't answer.

"You can't be serious!"
"Well what do I do?"
"Wear the dress"
"I can't"

"Listen to me Chica, when a man buys clothes for a woman without them knowing about it, it means they want to see that woman wearing the dress they bought for them, so wear it"

"What if he feels disappointed?"

I've never felt like this, I'm not the type to care, it's just I don't like red, it brings back bad memories.

"Is that even a question leave his sorry ass and remember Julie the past is in the past, don't let it control the future"


I looked at myself in the mirror and was smiling way too much.

I look amazing...

I was wearing a red burgundy off shoulder dress that reached my knees and black heels.

I was wearing a red burgundy off shoulder dress that reached my knees and black heels

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