"Leave me the fuck alone" I told her, slamming my locker shut and walking out of school fast, I didn´t want her to follow me, but I guess she did, because I heard fast steps behind me and her voice calling my name, "What didn´t you get about leave me the fuck alone?" I asked her as I turned around.

She stood there, still angry but also kind of sorrowful? "I´m sorry Perrie, I really am I shouldn´t have treated you like that, I had no idea how lucky I was when I was with you, but I realized it now and I need you to be happy, so could you please dump that hoe and date me again?" she asked me, I dared to look in her once so gorgeous green eyes, but I couldn´t see the beautiful twinkle in them again, all I saw was regret, my regret to ever date her.

"Are you being serious?" I asked her and she nodded her head, how could she actually think I´d dump Jade, who is perfection in motion, she treats me better than anyone else in this world possibly could and she protects me whenever she can, but this time I´d have to protect myself, I can´t be that depending on Jade, I needed to solve this on my own, well at least try to.

"I just told you what she did for me and you really think I´d give that up for you? And don´t you ever dare say that about her again, she´s perfect, something you could never reach even if you worked for it really hard. I fucking hate you Stacey Isle and I regret dating you" I spat in her face and turned around again, but I felt someone harshly pull me back, throwing me against the lockers, I groaned in pain, "Listen here you fucking bitch, no one and I mean no one talks to me in that kind of way"

A punch in the gut followed, causing me to groan loudly and to fall down on the floor, she kicked me a few times until she stopped for some reason, I held my gut, trying to catch my breath and not hurting too much, but it was too hard. I was on my fours and crawled so that I could sit down and lean against the lockers. I saw Kat punching Stacey and Stacey seemed to be in a worse condition than me.

"Now leave my best friend alone for fucks sake" she yelled, kicking her in the gut one final time, I could see my ex nod her head slightly, groaning in pain, crouching in the corner, her lip bleeding and she´d probably be bruised up tomorrow, but I couldn´t care less, it´s her own fault.

Kat walked over to me, helping me up, once she heard me wince in pain, she worried her lip, a sign that she´s worrying right now. "Did she do much?" she asked me softly, while walking out of school with me, "It´s alright, I´ll be fi-ow" I said as her hand accidentally touched one of my bruises, she stopped walking and made sure I was OK, before we started walking again.

"You´ll have a lot of explaining to do" she told me, "I know and I´m not ready for it"

"You better get ready soon, because here is your other half" she told me, pointing in my girlfriend´s direction, Jade smiled, but soon frowned when she saw me not being able to walk properly, so she ran towards us, in the matter of seconds she was in front of us, "Hi Jadey" I said weakly, a small smile on my face.

"What happened to you Pez?" she asked me, her arms wrapping around me protectively but not too tight to hurt me, Kat let go of me and said, "Bye Pez, Nick´s picking me up, have a nice weekend" she kissed my cheek and hugged me, before going to her boyfriends car. She stepped in and the car drove off. I turned my full attention to Jade now, who was still really worried about me.

"Stacey happened, she wanted me to dump you and get back together with her, but I told her that I´d never ever do that and she somehow beat me a bit" Jade´s jaw and fists clenched, I could tell she was about to go inside and kill Stacey, but I stopped her before she could go on, "but don´t worry Kat already beat the shit out of her and she´s in a way worse condition than I am" I assured her, kissing her cheek softly, her fists and jaw relaxed and a weak smile appeared on her lips.

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