COMATOSE (18/12/18)

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Choose. That's all I've got. To make a choice. My eyes focused on the illuminating pedestal, its rough brass edges made me wonder how many came before me. Gently placing my hand on the cool surface, I stared at the options hoping for a sign.

Yep nothing.

I sighed loudly, what am I choosing?

In perspective, I could just pick something and leave.

So why haven't you done it yet?

I huff in frustration, crossing my arms and looking up at the endless sky. It's not real of course. None of this figuratively is, but this choice seems more real than anything I've ever faced.

"The sky isn't going to give you your answer you know"

I narrowed my eyes slightly at the voice, refusing to look at them.

"What a way to ignore your own advice huh?" the voice spoke tauntingly.

I sighed loudly, shifting my eyes to the figure in front of me. Her dark eyes focused on my face with interest. She approached the podium calmly, a skip in her step and a smirk on her face.

"Well," she started, "How do I look?" She raised her arms and spun around slowly.

When I gave no response, she pouted slightly, "Oh come on, it's like looking in a mirror," she looked up with a finger on her chin, "If, you know, that mirror could talk".

I closed my eyes and pursed my lips together, I wasn't in the mood for a joke.

That's kind of harsh, don't you think?


The voice spoke yet again, "I wouldn't recommend doing that face, quite unattractive"

I opened my eyes and stared at her, me, blankly. She looked amused with my reaction, leaning over the podium and rested her head on her hand.

"So," she started, tilting her head slightly, "What's it gonna be?" She raised her hand across the buttons and looked at me intently.

I looked down at the two. "Yes". "No". A simple answer to an unknown question.

With a sudden thought in my head I looked up at her, already smiling and shaking her head.

"No, I don't know the question, nor do I know the answer", she stated continued with a shrug of her shoulders, "Only you do".

"How am I supposed to know?", I replied annoyingly and she rolled her eyes.


That's quite obvious I'd say.

You're not helping.

Wasn't aiming to be love.

"Um...," a hand was being waved in my face, "Earth to Jazzy?"

My face wrinkled in disgust, "Don't call me that"

She laughed slightly, her small frame shaking at the vibration, "What, am I not allowed to call myself that?"

Getting annoyed at her unhelpful presence I questioned, "Why are you here?"

She sighed wistfully, "I..." she started, "am here to help".

I blinked at her response, she has been no help.

"Help how?"

She kissed her teeth in thought, "Well you seem to be resistant to choose, so I'm here to ease the pressure"

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