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The world is a balance of change. The world is always changing ether evolving and going forward but these changes still upkeep the balance. The balance is not essential in life but it allows for a more comforting life but they is always going to be things which hinder the worlds balance trying to up bring madness to the world and bring it to its knee's but if even if that did happen they will be changes which will bring the world back to balance maybe not straight away but there is always the opposite change which leads to bringing back and reinstalling the balance a world needs. But we are still waiting for the opposite change, we need this change though as they are some who are flourishing in this change and grabbing at the chaos and using it to rule. This chaos this time is something which we never expected, we are granted the ability to tap into our inner selves to change aspects around us but already this has caused great suffering and great pain to those who are weak and vulnerable. Wars have raged on due to this change. The change has burnt though our lands with its methods of war but i digress we are in a period of peace and its claimed we are in a golden age but they is a prospect of another change in the making which could bring back the balance of the world we live in but it could easily rain more death and chaos upon us, they is some in the world who wish for the later of the options but this idea of change is building and evolving its flowing though the minds of the weak becoming more than a concept it is becoming hope which is something people have long lost.

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