{!!!} BONUS CHAPTER VI {!!!}

Start from the beginning

As soon as we got to the park, I bolted for the swing set. They made for perfect seats while reading, which was my plan for the following hour or so.

Helen and the boys headed for the sandbox, so I nestled down and opened up my book. After a few sentences, I was transported into the novel.

After a chapter or two, I set my book down and got up to stretch. I looked up and down, then left and right, trying to remove the crook in my neck. When I looked right, I saw a strange flash through the woods.

What could that be? I thought. It's not like there are animals near civilization.

I glanced at Helen and the twins. They were still sitting in the sandbox, throwing dust and constructing lumps also known as "buildings". I bit my lip, looked around, and sped to the bench behind the three of them. I set down my book and sprinted into the woods.

In about a minute, I heard distinguished voices. One scratchy, low voice and another, much more nasally voice. I darted off in the direction of the voices.

"Hello?" I called, immediately berating myself. Didn't I learn anything from those horror movies I was always attempting to watch?

"Did you hear something?" the higher voice asked.

"No, I couldn't hear anything over the sound of your whimpering, Thals. Man up!"

"I'm a girl, Kelp Brain!"

"Never stopped you before!"

I headed closer and saw two young people getting in each other's faces at the base of a large pine tree. The girl, who had a rustled black bob and piercing blue eyes, was pressing her back against the tree. The younger boy, who must've been my age, had his arms crossed and his lips screwed into a scowl. I could only see the side of his face from my angle.

The girl looked over his shoulder at me and gasped. "Whoa," she said quietly. "I think I recognize you. Do I know you?"

I frowned. She did seem very familiar. Something about those eyes....

The boy turned around, causing the girl to immediately flee the enclosed space. Even though she was several inches taller, she had stayed pressed against the tree like she was being confronted by a bodybuilder. That especially confused me after I saw the kid's face.

He had large green eyes the color of a pure emerald, a straight nose resembling the stereotypical Greek one, and full lips. He had big cheeks, making him look childish, and was probably barely five feet tall.

"What's your name?" I asked, tearing my gaze from the boy.

"My name is Thalia."

My lips parted. "Thalia...Grace?"


I grinned and sprinted to her. The boy jumped out of the way like a matador leaping away from an angry bull. I ignored him, throwing my arms around Thalia's tiny waist and squeezing her tight.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" I exclaimed.

"Uh, who are you exactly?" she asked, awkwardly elevating her arms so she didn't touch me too much.

"It's me, Annie," I said, still smiling like an imbecile.

"Annabeth?" Thalia asked incredulously.

"Yes," I said. "Remember now?"

I felt her nod, finally resting her arms on my back. "I can't believe you're here!"

We rocked back and forth for a moment before parting ways, still looking like we won a million bucks.

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