VIII. - The Gift

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Dex made is way back to his ship in the pier. It was dark out, the stars glittering in the midnight sky. Dex could just make out the dark red railing as he boarded The Crimson Rain. He ran a hand along her railing, feeling the soft wood under his hand and listening to the waves quietly lapping against the sides. The paint was starting to peel from being out in the sun all the time. He would need to pick up some paint before their next voyage.

Dex descended the ladder in the hatch towards the middle of the ship and headed to his cabin near the stern. Opening the creaking, weathered door, Dex stepped through into his room and looked for a candle. Striking a flame, he headed over to his desk on the far side. The room was simple, it held a small pallet against the inside wall, covered in blankets; the mahogany desk pushed against the far wall, which was littered with maps, nautical charts, and a few compasses; and finally a trunk filled with clothes stood at the foot of the pallet.

Dex pulled open a drawer in his desk, continuing to mutter to himself about being stupid and impulsive. Finding what he was looking for, Dex stood up and set a large, heavy sack onto the desk. Reaching back into the drawer, he fished out an empty sack. He grabbed a few handfuls of gold coins out of the full sack and shoved them into the empty one.

Satisfied with the amount of gold in the new sack, he leaned over and blew the candle out. Then he strode to the door in complete darkness and pulled it closed behind him, taking the sack of gold he had just filled with him.

Dex jogged back to the tavern and entered, knocking some mud off of his boots before he stepped over the threshold. Ignoring his crew who were still finding room in their bellies for more rum, Dex walked over to Tom.

"What room is she in?" He questioned the man, who was wiping a tankard with a rag.

Tom gave him a questioning look before replying, "Room four."

Without glancing back, Dex darted up the stairs that led to the rooms, he crossed down the narrow hallway and knocked on the door that had the number four carved into it.

Dex ran a hand through his hair, wondering what on earth he was thinking. He was just about to head back to his ship and pretend he'd never thought up this silly idea when the door was pulled open and Princess Elizabeth was staring up at him, her mouth slightly ajar.

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