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I walk into John's apartment. He only moved in recently; and it's a lot cleaner and prettier than you'd expect. It's also a lot more spacious than Paul's apartment; not that I minded the size.

He carries my bag and I carry Violet into the bedroom.

'You don't- have to sleep in here tonight if you aren't ready'

He looks away, focusing on picking up dirty washing from the floor. I rock Violet,

'No it's fine. I don't mind sleeping in here. With you'

He smiles at me, and leads me to another room. I'm surprised to see a fully decorated nursery. There's purple flowers- violets, painted randomly on a bare white wall and the same purple shade of accessories around; curtains, a rug and even a night light.

'I thought that, if Vi might stay here sometimes, like you said she could, I'd do it up for her'

He smiles bashfully at Violet, not giving me eye contact.

'John, it's lovely. Thank you'

He looks at me. I fish Reginald out of my bag and put it in Violet's cot. She starts crying suddenly. John furrows his eyebrows,

'I guess she doesn't like it then, eh?'

I laugh,

'Don't be silly; she's hungry. Do you want to feed her?'

'If you breast feed I'm not gonna be much help, Nance'

I narrow my eyes at him playfully,

'No, John, I don't. Her bottle's in the bag; I'll heat it up'

He laughs and I go to the kitchen to heat up the milk in the microwave. I've really seen a new side to John. I thought we'd get closer; but never did I think he'd decorate a nursery so personally; with the flower and colour which Violet was named after. I smile at the thought of him rocking her.

Then I remember Paul. I wonder what is going on with him. I consider the fact that maybe he's wanted groupies this whole time; since he's become so famous. The idea of him surrounded by all of them girls makes me sick to my stomach; him touching them all over, them doing the same to him return. Him being oh so glad we broke up; he'd never had this much fun before.

Luckily, before my mind can wander further; the microwave pings. I sigh, take the milk out of there and head back to John and Violet.

I watch John with Violet in his arms, she's nearly finished the bottle. He's my boyfriend now; Paul doesn't even know. For all he knows we're still together and he doesn't care about cheating right now. John hums mindlessly, walking to the sink to wash the bottle. He looks at me and notices I'm in deep thought,

'Everything alright, Nance?'

I catch his gaze and nod quickly,

'Yeah, yeah. Just think I might go and talk to Paul'

John nods, I guess he knew that was coming.

'Do you want me to drop you off?'

'No thank you; it's not far. I'll be back in a bit'

He walks over and kisses me,

'See you in a bit'

'See you, John'

As I open the door; I check the time on my watch; it's 6pm. I pop my head back in,

'Put Violet to bed please!'

'Alright, Nance!'

I step out into the chilly air; and head towards Paul's house. I run through everything that I'm going to say. It hasn't been long since we broke up; a matter of hours, in fact, but I want to clear everything up. I don't want to stop being friends with him.

She's Leaving Home - Paul McCartney x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now