Chapter 40

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It had been nearly a week since the little interaction went down between Cole and I. It was Friday night, meaning there was a football game, which Arden, Bella, and I were going to.

We had finished getting ready and left with my dad and Alec to head to the game.

"Alec! Can't you drive faster," Bella said with a huff.

"Why are you so excited to get to the game?" I asked her and Arden looked at her with a brow raised.

"It's the biggest game of the year! They are versing our rivals," she said and we nodded, joining her in making Alec drive faster.

Tonight's game was the best game in the year, but also the most stressful. Mikey and Toby had scouts on them tonight, Sam doesn't want to play football in college, he already had scouts during his soccer season, so they couldn't afford to mess up.

Pulling up to a parking spot, we climbed out and I spotted Zac walking through the parking lot by himself.

Bella was the first to call out to him and he walked towards us.

"I was hoping you guys would be here tonight," he said. "My parents couldn't make it tonight, but I didn't want to sit alone."

"You're always welcome to sit with us Zac," Arden said.

"Oh, let's go get our seats," I said, after noticing the large crowds walking towards the bleachers. I lost my dad and brother, I just assumed they had already made their way to get their seats. Getting through the crowds and up the stairs, I found my dad and Alec sitting front row, reserving our seats.

"Hey Mr. Stevens, Alec," Zac greeted as we walked to them and took our seats.

Zac was sitting next to me and we were all laughing at something when I heard some whispering behind us.

"Isn't that Cole?" One girl said.

"No, that's his twin brother," another said.

"Oh shit. Wait, did Cole and Alison break up cause she wanted the other brother?!" I was getting pissed, all these rumors were getting out of hand.

"First of all ladies, I met Alison first and she is one of my best friends. Second of all, she isn't my type," Zac said, standing up and looking at them.

"What is your type?" One of them asked, leaning in and batting her eyes.

"My type is the kind that has no boobs and a dick," he said with a smirk. The girl jumped back shocked and both of them were flushed with embarrassment.

"So-so you're..."

"I'm gay, yes," he said and sat down. He held up his fist asking for a fist bump and I gladly returned it.

"That. Was. Amazing," I said.

"Can't let them talk crap about my two best friends."

"You have other best friends?" I asked acting shocked, placing my hand over my heart to add on to my dramatic self. 

"Yeah, my brother and you," he said with a smile and we both started laughing.

The game had finally started, I saw both teams starting line ups run onto the field. As soon as the game started, I was up on my feet, cheering for our team. Cole had intercepted the pass and was now running, dodging everyone. I was jumping and cheering loudly.

"Go Cole! Run!" I was yelling, clinging onto the metal bar in front of me. I looked over to Zac who was smiling, cheering on his brother. He looked to me and we smiled at each other. I focused back on the game, but eventually looked over to Arden, Bella, and Alec. Alec was sucked into the game and didn't focus on anything else. Arden glanced at me and gave me a slight nudge, causing me to laugh. Bella blew me a kiss, causing me to shake my head. I turned my attention back to the game, continuing to cheer.

It was halftime, we were all sitting and talking.

"Alison, will you go with me to get some snacks?" My dad asked and I nodded and followed him. "You were cheering awfully loud," my dad said as we walked towards the snack shop.

"I always cheer for my school."

"I know, I was just surprised at how loudly you were cheering for Cole," he said with a smirk.

"Oh," I hadn't noticed that

"You still like him, don't you?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter, love sucks," I said, coming to a stop as we reached the snack line. "It's complicated, and I'm happy with everything and everyone in my life."

"Including Cole," my dad chimed in.

"What are you getting at Dad?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Just cause your mom and I didn't work out, doesn't mean love sucks. It's actually quite a beautiful thing to have in your life," he said, looking down at me. "You're falling for him, and that's okay. Cause something tells me that, that boy is falling for you too. Give him another chance sweetheart, only if you're ready though," he said. I smiled and nodded. We bought our snacks and returned back to our seats. 

The conversation my father and I had stayed in my mind throughout the entire second half of the game. I was still on my feet, my best friends surrounded me, cheering loudly for our team.

After the game, we all left the bleachers, but stuck around waiting for my brothers. I was lost in my thoughts. Arden, Bella, and Zac were all talking. From the corner of my eye, I saw Toby, Sam, and Mikey walk out of the locker room. However, a certain figure stood out from behind them. Cole was walking in a different direction.

I was debating in my head if I should go after him or not, but I didn't have time to argue with myself.

I felt a nudge in my side, looking to the person, I saw it was Alec.

"Go," he whispered. I smiled and ran off.

"Alison?" Mikey asked.

"You guys played great!" I yelled as I ran past them. "Cole!" I yelled and he stopped and turned around, looking shocked. I wrapped my arms around his neck, jumping on him. He stumbled back a little, but held onto me. He got over the shock and returned my hug, digging his face in the crook of my neck as I did the same.

"I missed you, so much," he croaked out, moving his head so he looked at me. He put me down, but kept his arms locked around me. "I'm so sorry I hurt you, Alison," he looked into my eyes.

"I know you are," I said. "We were moving a little fast before, when we first started dating. Maybe we can try again, but this time, take it slower." He smiled and pulled away, causing a frown to instantly appear on my face.

"I'm Cole Jacobs," he said, extending his arm.

"I'm Alison Stevens," I said, grabbing his hand. I shocked both of us when I pulled him in and kissed him. He returned my kiss and eventually pulled away.

"What happened to going slow?" He teased, a smile on his face.

"You were going a little too slow," I said, matching his smile. He laughed, but leaned in, pulling me into another kiss.


The end.

After finishing this, I'm not 100% sure about a sequel.

However, I do have plans to publish another story.

Thanks for reading. <3 :)

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