Chapter 18

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It's been about a day since Zac came out to us. The day after he told us, he told Arden and Bella, we were all supportive of him and were there for him. Although, now Arden and Bella are pushing the idea of Cole and I.

"So Calison or Aole?" Bella askes Arden.

"Those ship names don't sound good at all," Arden said.

"Why are you even shipping my name with Cole?" I asked. They just smiled, not letting me know anything. The boys' first football game is this Friday. Dad is going to be there, along with Alec. Bella, Arden, Zac, and I will also be sitting together. I'm going to admit, Cole and I have gotten a little closer, he's not that bad. Before I started talking with them, my phone started to ring.


"Hey Baby," The voice said.

"What ya need Cole?" Bella and Arden looked at me with wide eyes and big smiles.

"Stacey's birthday is coming up tomorrow and I have no idea what to get her," he said. "Do you maybe think you can help me buy her something?"

"I don't know if I would be much help, but I'm up for it," I said with a small smile making its way onto my face. "Also, you're an idiot for buying her a gift last minute," I said and he chuckled.

"Okay be ready in 10 minutes, bye" he said and hanged up after I said bye back. Arden and Bella were looking at me weirdly.

"What?" I asked.

"I wonder what it is you'll be helping him with," Bella said with a smirk and Arden was wiggling her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm helping him to get a gift for his little sister's birthday."


It had been a few hours since we've been at the mall and still have no idea what to get for Stacey. 

"You think she'll like this?" I asked holding up a barbie. Stacey is turning six and I don't really know what she's into.

"I don't know," Cole said. "I'm so tired of looking," he pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Hey, Zac?" I just stared at him with my mouth hung open and my eyes wide. "Would a barbie set work for Stacey's birthday gift?" I swear if barbies work, I'm going to kill Cole. "It will? The princess set, okay got it, thanks bro," he hung up the phone and went to grab the desired barbie set. I followed him, holding a barbie doll in my hand and when he was looking at all the sets, I started to attack him with the doll. Death by barbie doll. "What the hell!"

"You dumbass!" I whisper yelled, trying my best to not make a huge scene in the store. "We have been to three different toy stores, I'm starving, and all you needed to do was call you brother?!"

He turned around and in on swift motion took the doll out of my hands and caged me against the shelves. "Sorry baby," he said looking down at my lips then back to my eyes. "I wanted to do this without Zac's help, plus I think you had a great time, alone. With me," he said with a smirk.

I glared at him but then decided to tease him, "oh, I did have a great time with you, and it'll only get better." As I said this, I inched closer to him, filling the space between us and reached in my back pocket for my phone. He started to lean in and I took my chance by pushing him and quickly snapping a picture. "Aww, look at little Cole holding his barbies," I said as I burst out in laughter.

"Delete that," he growled out.

"No can do bud," I said. "I love this great shot way too much."

"Alison," he said warningly as he took a threatening step towards me. My phone began to ring and I put my hand up to stop him seeing that the caller ID said 'Alec.'


"Alison? Where the hell are you?!-"

"I'm with Cole."

"Cole?! You better be home in thirty minutes, or so god help me I will-"

"Bye Alec, see you in thirty!" I said as I hung up. "I have to be home in thirty minutes or you're dead."

"Me? Why me?" He asked and I just shrugged as I let out a yawn.


After paying, we went straight to Cole's car. Our drive back home wasn't too bad, we laughed and talked for the entire ride. I honestly didn't know if I had any romantic feelings towards Cole, and a part of me hopes I don't. He doesn't settle down, he's the type that fucks people like Claire and dumps them right after, and I'm not that type of girl. If I didn't want to catch these feelings then I think I might need to limit my time spent with him. 

He parked in his driveway and I said a quick goodbye and ran to my house before I heard a bye back. I ran inside and slammed my front door shut and began to run to my bedroom but was pulled back by one of my brothers.

"What happened?" It was Mikey.

"Did Cole do something?" Sam asked as he walked into the entrance.

"No he didn't," I said and thought up an excuse as to why I'm rushing. "I just really need to pee," I drawled out, hinting to them to let me go. "So can I go?" My brothers didn't seem too convinced but let me go nonetheless. As I walked into my room, I shut my door and walked to the foot of me bed. I slid to the ground with my back against the frame of my bed, then it hit me,

I think I'm getting feelings for Cole Jacobs...

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