Chapter 27

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"Whoa." I looked away from Arden and turned to an awestruck Cole. A smile had immediately made its way onto my face. I blushed at his reaction, and I looked up and checked him out. his jeans hung low, and he was wearing a black shirt that hugged his muscled body.

"Whoa yourself," I said with a smirk and he mirrored my expression. We tore from our gaze when we heard a camera click.

"Hehe," Bella said sheepishly. "For memories?" She shrugged and we all laughed.

"Would love to stay and chat ladies," Cole said. "But we need to get going." He held my hand and we waved goodbye, before he opened my front door and we left. "We're gonna have to walk over to my house," he said and rubbed his neck. "I thought it would be pointless to drive to your house and park..." he trailed off and I nodded. There was a weird tension between us and I think we both felt it.

We got into his car and he drove off. The beginning of the ride was silent, with only the radio filling the car with noise. I kept on shifting in my seat and I let out a small chuckle.

"What is wrong with us?" I said and started to laugh.

"I know," he snorted out. "What happened to the psychotic sarcastic girl?" He asked and laughed.

"Oh yeah? What about Mr. Bad boy, huh?" We were full on laughing.

"I don't think I like my plan for our date anymore," he said and I looked at him. "It was going to be something totally cliché, but I think I have something else in mind," he looked at me with a smirk.

We had been driving around for about twenty minutes before pulling into a McDonald's drive thru.

"You know there were like five different McDonald's on our way to this one," I said and laughed.

"Yea but then the food would get cold," he said. "This is the closest one to where we're going." I was confused, I've never really been in this area of town. He ordered the food and as soon as he paid and got the food we left and continued to our destination.

"How much longer?"

"Relax, just another five minutes," he said and chuckled. We pulled into a parking lot and got out. He took a hold of my hand and was carrying our food in the other, along with a blanket. We walked for a bit before he pulled his hand out of mine to lay down the blanket. I took in the scenery, there was a waterfall that led down a lake like area. Cole had laid the blanket close by the water. There were about a dozen trees around us and we could see beyond them. I looked at this place in awe, yet my brain had something different in mind.

I was remembering something. A memory of me along with my brothers and dad, there was also a woman, yet she wasn't clear. It was when I gasped that Cole looked at me with concern. I had remembered coming here when I was kid with my family, along with my mother. Cole was in front of me and wiped away a tear, huh I didn't know I was crying.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I think I've been here before," I said. "With my family and mom."

"I'm so sorry," he thought. "It must have been hard losing her." That's when I realized, everyone assumed that my mother had passed away. We had all been too sad to try and correct that mistake.

"I didn't loose her like that," I sniffled and wiped away my tears. I calmed myself down before grabbing Cole's hand and leading him towards the blanket and sat us down. "My mother is not dead," he looked shocked but quickly covered it up as he continued to listen. "When I was five, she ran away from us, I haven't seen her since and I don't think I want too." I whispered out the last part. He nodded and gave me a tight hug and pulled away giving me a big smile.

"She missed out on the best girl in the world," he leaned in to kiss me which I happily returned. We pulled away and began to eat our food while getting to know each other. After eating I took my shoes and socks off, along with the light jacket I was wearing. We were just laying down, before I was swept off the ground and was against Cole's shoulder.

"Cole!" I screamed out before I was thrown into the lake. I swam up and pretended to drown. "Cole-" I started to sputter out. "I-can't-swim," I started to cough and choke to make it more believable.

"Oh shit!" He jumped in to pull me out and when he reached me I pushed him down into the water and started to laugh. When he came back up, he was glaring.

"How's that for cliché," I said with a smirk and soon we were both laughing. He grabbed my hips and I gasped as he pulled me closer to him. We gazed into each other's eyes before he slowly leaned and his lips touched mine. The kiss was a mix of hunger and passionate, and it was incredible. My hands wound around his neck and pulled him closer. We broke out of the kiss due to lack of air and he rested his forehead against mine.

"Damn," he breathed out and a big smile was on his face. 

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