Chapter 1

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"Alison get up!" A loud voice booms in my room and I feel 4 big figures on top of me. I groan loudly and squirm trying to get out of my brothers' hold. Yep I said brothers', as in I have more than one.

Four brothers to be exact all of them older than me. My mom left us when I was 5 leaving us with my dad, not that I'm complaining, because my dad is amazing. Although, my brothers can get overprotective, and I mean really overprotective. Once a guy from my school asked me out and my brothers saw and right there in that moment made a huge scene. Let's just say any guy within a 10 mile radius at are too afraid to ask me out now.

They all finally get off of me and they are all smiling innocently like nothing is wrong. I shoot them all glares for ruining my beautiful sleep. "Run," is all I say, and they all get scared. My brothers have taught me to be strong and I can easily take them down, although sometimes they let me win.

By now they're all running down the hall and stairs while I'm right at their heel. As soon as Mikey, the youngest of the 4 bros, turns I jump on his back causing a domino effect with all my brothers. One by one they topple over. As soon as Alec, the oldest, falls face-first to the floor our dad pops up right at the end of the staircase.

"Hi dad!" I say innocently as I make my way over my brothers and down the stairs to go hug my dad. I would 'accidentally' hit my brothers on the way down.

"Hey princess," my dad says as he hugs me and kisses my forehead. "I have to go to work, please don't kill your brothers while I'm gone. Be back for dinner," he say as he waves by to the guys and grabs his briefcase and out of the house. We do well because my dads a big shot lawyer and my 2 oldest brothers work for some cash of their own.

So now let me properly introduce you to my brothers. You have kinda met Alec, he's the oldest of the 5 of us. He has light brown hair with some blonde strands, his natural highlights as he calls them. His eyes are caramel colored with specks of gold which many girls die for. Then you have Sam, the second oldest. He has dirty blonde hair, and blue-green eyes. You then have Toby, third oldest. He has the same hair as Alec and the same eyes as Sam. Then you have the twins, that's me and my brother Mikey, the 4th oldest. Our hair is blonde but it has some brown in it. We both have green eyes with specks of blue, we look alike, duh we're twins. Anyway I'm the youngest, we all are alike because of the muscles. While they have 6 packs, I have the lining of one, but I am working to get one. We all play sports, and my brothers taught me self-defense too, it comes in handy sometimes.

I start walking towards the kitchen with them all following right behind. "What are you guys having," I call out to them.

"Cereal!" They all yell out in unison. Of course, cereal is their go to cause they're all too lazy to make breakfast, but at the same time so am I.

We enter the kitchen, I head straight to the cupboard for bowls, Mikey gets the spoons, Alec gets the cereal, Sam turns the tv on to our favorite channel, and Toby gets the milk.

Once everything is grabbed we head into the leaving and sit in various places pouring and passing the milk and cereal around.

About 10 minutes later we hear yelling coming outside so we all rush outside the front door and all of our heads are turned to the noise.

That's when we see a family and movers moving into the house next door.

"New neighbors," we all say in unison and walk back inside to finish eating.

My Over Protective BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now