Chapter 32

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"I wanna kill him."

"I know you do, but you can't."

"Why not?"

"Because, I don't want my boyfriend to end up in jail," I said. It was now break, and I was calming Cole down. In our second class, Cole sat next to me, and so did Cameron, again.

"Can I at least punch him?" Cole asked and I shook my head. We were sitting at a table outside, and I just caught my brothers walking out, laughing at something, with Cameron.

I looked back at Cole, who was now frowning.

"What's wrong?" I asked, all I got was him putting his head in his hands. "Cole?" I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Your brothers love him," he stated.


"They hate me."

"They don't hate you," I said, he looked up.

"They're literally glaring at me," I looked back to them and they were indeed glaring at Cole.

"You know what," I said and looked back to him. Grabbing his face, I pulled him for a kiss, to which he happily responded to.

"What was that for?" He asked, breathless, a smile appearing on his face.

"To show my brothers that I don't give two flying fucks if they hate you, cause I want to be with you," I said. "And to show off to Cameron that I don't want him, I only have eyes for you." We both looked at them and they were mad, Cameron too.

The bell rang, Cole and I grabbed our bags and we walked to our next class. Times like these I'm thankful to have him in all my classes, cause after we sat down, Cameron walked in, as did Mikey. We had science, Cole and I were already partners, so thankfully I won't be sitting or working with Cameron.


It was after school, Cole and Zac had to watch Stacy, and my homework started to pile up a bit. After going upstairs and putting my stuff down, I head back down and into the kitchen to get myself a snack.

I heard the door open, Sam yelled that they were home, so I continued to pull out various fruits to eat. However, as soon as I set down the bowl of grapes on the counter, I was turned around, my back, painfully, hit the counter and I was enclosed.

Cameron was inches away from my face, too close for my liking. 

"I didn't appreciate what you did today," he said, tilting his head to one side.

"You mean kissing my boyfriend," I said emphasizing the last two words.

"Why are you even with him?" He asked, angrily, as he stepped away from the counter. He began to pull at his hair. "You should be with me, you said you would wait for me!" He exclaimed.

"I never said that," I said.

"I-I love you, Alison," he pleaded and tried to grab a hold of my hands, but I moved away from him.

"I don't," I said.

"Do you love Cole?" He asked as he folded his arms across his chest. I thought about it, I really liked him, yes, but did I love him? We've only known each other for about a month. It's too early in the relationship to tell.

"Cameron, leave," I said. "Leave me alone, and leave Cole alone. Do me a favor and stay out of my life," I said, grabbing some fruit and putting it in a bowl, before quickly putting it all away. I ran upstairs with my snack, slamming my door shut as I lay on my bed. I groaned and stood up, slightly opening my door and that's when I heard the front door slam.

I opened my door more, and that's when Mikey appeared in front of me.

"What the hell did you say to Cameron?"


"What'd you say?" He pushed.

"What makes you think it was me that said something?" I asked, hands on my hips.

"Because, when he was leaving he was mad, when I asked why, he told me to ask you," that son of a bitch.

"Well I didn't say shit," I said, closing my door and locking it. I closed my curtains, and sat at my desk, pulling out the homework I had to do.


Cole's P.O.V.

Stacy ran outside, so I ran after her. I managed to catch her right before she went too far. That's when I saw an angry looking Cameron leave Alison's house. He was kicking stones left and right, he hopped into his car and drove off.

Shrugging it off, I went inside with Stacy. Closing the front door, I locked the lock all the way at the top so she can't escape again.

"Stacy, please just stay inside," I said, she nodded and ran off to the living room, where her toys were most likely sprawled out all over the floor. I love my sister, but she can be a real handful sometimes. Going upstairs, I stopped by Zac's room on the way to mine. "Your turn to watch her, bro," I said as I walked in.

"I have two more math problems to finish," he said.

"All right, finish them and go watch her," I said. He looked like he wanted to argue with me. "Don't argue with me, I have a shit ton of homework to do, and I can't afford a single assignment." He sighed and nodded, quickly finishing up his work and we both walked out, I went to my room and he went downstairs.

Walking into my room, a smile made its way onto my face, knowing I'll see her. After I shut my door, I made my way over to the window, I frowned when I saw her curtains over her window. She never does that, it's always open so we can talk.

Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I decided to text her.

Me: Hey

I threw my phone on my bed and fell back into it, closing my eyes, I laid there for what felt like was hours, yet it had only been a few minutes. 

I waited for a response but never got one. I started to worry because, no matter what, Alison always texts me. Making an impulsive decision, I got up, grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

"I'll be right next door!" I yelled.

"Um, Cole," Zac said as he met me at the bottom of the staircase.

"What's wrong?" I asked, now worried about my brother.

"We have a situation," he moved aside and that's when I saw her.

"You," I seethed.

My Over Protective BrothersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant