Chapter 15

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We walked into Miss Pierce's class as soon as the tardy bell rang. 

Ms. Stevens, welcome back, take a seat," she said as she glanced to Cole who was standing next to me. I made my way over to the back where Zac was and sat next to him. "Students, along with our new student Zac Jacobs, we have Cole Jacobs, brothers I presume?"

Cole nodded, "twins." He made his way towards me and my eyes widened as I saw the only available seat was next to me. I groaned as he smirked and sat down. "I think I already love this class."

A group of girls were squealing and looking between Zac and Cole swooning over them. I overheard one girl say, "God made two of them." Cole smirked and Zac just kept his head down.

"Hello ladies," Cole said with a wink. Our teacher cleared her throat and we all faced her.

"This will be your seats for the rest of the year," she said and I was ready to shoot myself, seeing as how I was stuck next to an asshole for the rest of the year. At least this is the only class...


It turned out that Cole and I had every single class together. The ones I that I had with Zac were lifesavers, cause I would only talk to him and ignore his brother, who would flirt with any girl he could. It was our last period and most of the teams that were in training met in the gym to hear all the stuff from our athletic director and coaches, as well as talking to the captains.

I saw Cole walking into the gym and rose my eyebrows. I shrugged it off and walked into the gym, "alright if I could have the captains of the teams join us up here please." Mikey, Sam, Toby, and I made our way up by the coaches as we pushed and messed with each other. Most of the girls were drooling over my brothers while I rolled my eyes. After the whole presentation and whatever the captains were introduced and brought up to talk to their teammates. 

"Hey there guys, I'm Toby Stevens, I am captain of the football team. We are happy to have you here but if you don't work hard, don't expect to play on my team for long," he said with his tone going from happy to serious.

"Hey I'm Sam Stevens, captain of the soccer team," he said similar things to Toby.

"Hi I'm Mikey Stevens, captain of the basketball team," he also said the same as Toby and Sam.

"Hi I'm Allison Stevens, most of you gals already know me. I am the captain of the basketball and soccer teams. I'm all about having fun, but if you mess around instead of working hard, then have fun watching the games from the bleachers," I said. A guy cat called to me, but Sam was there in mere seconds and hit him from behind his head.

"Were you just cat calling my sister, newbie?" Sam asked. This little jerk either had a death wish or was just too damn cocky.

"She's your sister?" He asked. "Well then, you know when she'll be free so I can hit that-" he didn't even finish what he said because he was punched, and it wasn't any of my brothers.

"Cole?" I asked shocked. He wiped the blood on his T-shirt and turned to look towards me. I turned and saw Toby leaning down towards the guy with Sam and Mikey surrounding him. They were whispering in his ear and his face paled.

"I'm going to make this year hell for you on the team just for that little stunt," Toby said his hands curled into fists and his teeth clenched. The bell rang, thankfully, and I ran out of there.

"Ali! Wait!" I grabbed my stuff and made my way towards my car. Before I could get in and drive off, Arden and Bella caught up and hugged me as a few tears slid down my cheeks.

"Every year," I said as I chocked on a sob. "Every damn year something like this happens."

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