Chapter 35

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It had been two days since the fight between Cole and Cameron had happened. Both boys were still the talk of the school. However, I hadn't seen or heard from Cameron at all, which felt a bit relieving. All the talk brought out girls to show their affection towards Cole, leaving my eyes to see them flirting and showering Cole with all types of things.

Someone snapped their fingers in front of my face.

"Let's go!" Bella said. The bell had just rang and we only had our last class, which was basketball for me. "You were lost in la la land, again. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I waved off. As soon as I said that, I saw a girl rubbing up against Cole and flirting with him. I involuntarily cling onto my books, causing my knuckles to turn white.

"What's up?" Arden said as she joined up with us.

"I don't know. Alison has that look when she wants to kill someone right now," Bella answered. They followed my gaze and saw what I was looking at. "How dare he?! He's not even pushing her away!" She exclaimed. "I'm going to give him a piece of my mind," she muttered and began to make her way towards him.

"I don't want to see this," I said.

"Do you want me to stop her?" Arden asked.

"No. I, just don't want to see this," I said. Arden nodded and dragged me away from what was about to go down.

We walked to an abandoned hallway and found steps to sit at. My back was to the wall, my legs laid in front of me as I put my head against the wall and took a deep breath.

"You okay?" Arden asked, she was mirroring my position, only a couple steps lower.

"I don't know," I said, opening my eyes. She looked at me funny. "What?"

"For once, the great Alison Stevens doesn't know what to do with her life," she smiled.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked.

"No, it just means you're human," we both laughed. "So, what's been going on?"

"I started dating Cole, that's what happened," I said with a laugh. "But, it started with Cameron. Then Cole's ex came and I don't know what's happening with her. Cameron and Cole got into a fight and now girls are throwing themselves at my boyfriend and it's tiring," I said in one breath.

"You, my best friend, need a day off," Arden said.

"But we have basketball and-"

"No, we don't," she said. "I ran into coach and she has to leave early for some emergency, so no basketball. It's going to be just you, me, and Bella."

I reluctantly agreed. Bella took my phone and shut it off and put it in her pocket. She then texted Bella to meet up with us.

"I also texted Mikey that you don't have your phone cause your best friends are being a pain in the ass," Arden said as she helped me up.

"Thank you," I sighed out. Bella met up with us in the hallway and we immediately left. We piled into Bella's car, after throwing our bags in her trunk.

"Secret spot?" She asked.  Arden and I nodded.

Our secret spot was something that we discovered when we were little. It's a little forest area that no one ever goes to. Bella, Arden, and I were playing in the park, when a couple of boys came up to Bella and made fun of her. She ran off crying and Arden and I followed. We decided that it was a beautiful and quiet place, so we made it our spot.

We parked and got out of the car.

"Race you guys," I said with a smile and took.

"No fair!" Bella yelled as Arden laughed and ran. Getting up to the spot, I was a little out of breath. I decided to sit on one of the ginormous rocks by the small stream. Arden and Bella joined me.

"Relationships suck," I said. "Can't I be single again?"

"You could," Arden said.

"But Cole makes you really happy," Bella said.

"Yeah..." I trailed off. Taking in a deep breath, I closed my eyes and listened to the stream.


We stayed there for hours, just talking and dipping our feet in the stream.

I had to admit, it was nice to just take some time away from everything and just relax. Bella dropped me off at my house, and I was glad that I decided to catch a ride with my brothers today.

Walking into my house, my stomach grumbled and I quickly out my stuff down and went into the kitchen. Grabbing some dinner that was leftover, I ate and went into the living room, expecting to see my brothers yelling at some game on tv. Instead I see them all sitting there, with Cole alongside them.

"Hey guys."

"Where the hell were you?" Alec questioned.


"Where?" Sam pushed.

"I was somewhere safe with my best friends," I said, getting a little angry. "Arden took my phone and shut it off, but she told me she texted Mikey."

"Yeah she said you guys would be out for a few hours," Mikey said.


"And," Alec said getting pissed. "It's been nearly six hours and we didn't hear a single word from you!" He started to yell and I flinched.

"I. Didn't. Have. My. Phone," I bit back. "You're not dad and you sure as hell aren't my mom. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some homework to do." I turned to leave and grabbed my bag before going up the stairs. I heard a door slam downstairs and I knew it was Cole.

Me: I'm sorry I was MIA. Talk tomorrow?

I saw his bedroom light turn on, but his curtain and windows were closed.

Cole: Sure

"Ugh," I groaned as I fell back on my bed.


Happy New Year! (Even though I'm 16 days late)

Sorry for the extremely late update! I'm going to try not to lag as much, but I can't guarantee since I have school.

I also want to connect more with you guys, and get your thoughts on this story as well as any questions you might have.

Thank you guys for everything!

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