Chapter 33

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Cole's P.O.V

"Why are you so angry, babe?" She asked. She walked, adding a big sway in her hips, making it ugly. How could I ever love a hideous creature.

"Hm, I don't know," I said putting my index finger on my chin. "Maybe it's cause you cheated on me... multiple times."

"I thought we were past that," she frowned.

"We are," I said. "I made it very clear that we are done," Stacy appeared at the doorway.

"Hi Stacy," She cooed to my sister.

"Ew," Stacy said and I started laughing as Zac tried to contain his laugh. Stacy ran around her and to the door, she managed to open it and squealed. I tried to go, but she held me back, wrapping her arms around me. 

Zac went after her as I was trying to pry her off me.

"Get the fuck off me!" I started yelling.

"Cole, I love you!" She exclaimed.

"Well guess what?!" I turned to her. "I hate you, Bianca." I turned and saw Alison standing there, Stacy jumping on her arm.

"Who are you?" Alison asked Bianca, sneering at her.

"I'm his girlfriend," she said with a smirk.

"No you're not," I said. Walking over to Alison, I wrapped my arms around her waist, putting my head in the crook of her neck. Sadly, she just stood there limp. "Alison is my girlfriend."


Alison's POV 

After Cole said that I was his girlfriend, I wrapped my arms around his neck. I was shocked that this girl was here, but furious thinking she has my boyfriend.

"Bianca, I suggest you leave," Cole said.

"What if I don't want to," she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Leave or I call 911," Zac said, Stacy in his arms, so she's not running around anymore. With a huff, she dragged herself out, waving flirtatiously towards Cole and sending a death glare towards me. I contemplated on flipping her off, but then realized that there was a child in my presence. 

"I'm sorry," Cole said looking right at me. Zac took Stacy to the living room, where she was playing, I suppose.

"The only thing you should be sorry about, is not telling me that you had an ex," I said, as I peeled myself off him.

"I didn't think it was important," he shrugged.

"You didn't have to lie when I asked you," I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Can we please move past this?" He groaned out, rubbing his hands down his face.

"I would love to," I said. "But you lied to me, and I don't think she's leaving anytime soon."

"Oh yeah," he challenged. "What about Cameron?"

"What about him?" I questioned.

"He loves you and I don't think he'll leave you alone," he said, getting angry.

"Oh yeah? Well, she loves you and I don't think she'll leave you alone," I fought back. I started laughing hysterically, he joined in too. "This is the dumbest fight ever," I snorted out.

"Seriously," Cole agreed. We both sobered up and he came back to me and hugged me, I returned it, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Let's agree to not let these two idiots in our lives ever affect our relationship."

"Agreed," we pulled away and he continued to look at me, deeply. "What?" I asked, annoyed of him just looking at me and not saying anything.

"Why was your window closed? And why didn't you answer my texts?" He asked. I moved away from him a little, and began to scratch the back of my neck.

"Cameron came over with Mikey, and while I was in the kitchen, tried to get me to be with him," I said, but looked up at him, and saw his wide eyes, which slowly narrowed into slits. "But don't worry, because I yelled at him and pushed him away and told him that nothing would ever happen between us. He left after that and I was mad, so that's why my window was closed."

Cole just stood there, his hands bawled into fists, his eyes showing the burning anger he had towards Cameron. His breathing had turned into deep breaths, as if trying to calm himself down.

He just stood there, wouldn't utter a word, hell he didn't attempt to.

"Cole?" I questioned, as I took a cautious step towards him. "Cole?" I questioned again, this time drawling out his name.

"I really want to kill him now."  

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