Chapter 17

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The next day wasn't so bad, I sat by Cole in most of my classes and we actually talked, and I didn't feel like killing him. I noticed that the girls were glaring at me, but I just rolled my eyes at them. We were in science class, Cole and I were lab partners, it got decided today because he sat by me.

"Okay class, I know it is only the second day of school, but I will be assigning a project for you to do with your partners. I won't go in to much detail yet, seeing as this will be due in about two weeks," our teacher said.

"Oh yea, I wanted to know what you were doing at the gym yesterday," I asked Cole.

"I think that would be obvious," he said.

"But you weren't here for any of the tryouts?"

"Correct I wasn't," he said. "When I found out we were moving, we called and saw we wouldn't move in time for tryouts. So I got tapes for how I played and sent it to the athletic director as well as a letter from my old coach."

"Ohhhh, I see," I said. "Wait so what sport are you playing?"

"Football," he said. "Your brothers knew, cause we were talking about that the night I first went to your house for dinner." The bell rang and it was time for lunch so I gathered all my things and did something I never imagined.

"Wanna sit with us at lunch?" He looked at me raising his eyebrows. "It'll be me, my brothers, Arden and Bella, and Zac. You might as well join."

"Alright." Coincidentally, it turns out his locker is next to mine, I internally groaned. I saw Zac raising his eyebrows, Arden shocked, and Bella smirking as they saw Cole and I walking side by side having a normal conversation. I rolled my eyes and glared at them and saw that Cole just rolled his eyes.

We all made it to our table and sat down, my brothers gave high-fives to Cole and Zac and said hi to us girls. As soon as I sat down, Mikey ruffled my hair and I slapped the back of his head. We were having a peaceful lunch, until someone came and sat directly on Cole's lap.

"Oops," the annoying voice said and we all rolled our eyes.

"Oops," Cole said as he tossed her to the ground and she scowled.

"Cole, baby, is that how you treat your girlfriend," Claire said as she trailed her finger under his jaw and slung an arm around his shoulder.

"I don't have a girlfriend, but if I did I would probably treat her well," he said and pushed her off.


"Enough!" Everyone turned to look at me. "I get you have the need to fuck every guy in the world, but do it on your own time when their alone, we are trying to eat here and looking at some skank is making me loose my appetite, so buh-bye." She just stood there shocked, she opened her mouth to say something, but Mikey beat her to it.

"I forgot your name, but I know I hard core rejected you as well as my brothers, isn't that enough humiliation," he said and we all laughed as she flushed red with embarrassment. My brother then turned to me, "seriously I don't know her name." Her eyes started to water and she ran out of the cafeteria, I wasn't a much of a mean person but she messed with the wrong family. 


Later that evening, Zac and Cole were over for dinner while Stacey was staying at a new friends house. It was a Friday night, so we ordered in and wanted to watch movies. Zac sat next to me and his arm had slung behind me and I smiled.

"Watch it pal," Alec warned and Cole chuckled.

"Relax bro, I think it's time for y'all to now I don't swing that way," Zac said.

"What?!" All my brothers said.

"Oh," I said. 

"Yep, I'm gay," Zac said. 

 "It doesn't matter," I said and gave him a big hug.

"So what movie are we watching?"

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