Chapter 3: Comforting the broken one

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(After almost a month, at school)

Emily/Amelirella's POV

I got to school early when there was a few students around,since i normally do this every day. But as i walked to my locker i get shoved into a corner by the neighborhood bully, Chloe and her friends rayla and tera. 

I wince in pain but they keep on kicking, punching and throwing insults at me, and i just let them do it. I didn't want to get into trouble by fighting her and i also didn't want to show my akiridian form in front of the others.

After they finished, her friends left but chloe had other ideas and used her nails and cut my cheek deeply,i whimper in pain and hold my cheek curling up "useless, weak, little Emily...this is why no one would like a freak like you" chloe says and walks off to her friends, leaving me in the corner alone.

 I start crying into my lap curling up as tight as i could in pain. 'why do people do this to me? What did i do wrong?' I thought to myself, wishing i could just disappear from this place and leave all this pain behind.

Krell's POV

Me and aja get to school and meet up with steve. I look around for Emily but i didn't see her anywhere "don't worry little brother, she'll be here somewhere" aja says to me, i sigh while nodding "i'm just worried about her aja" i reply as we walk into the school. We go to the lockers but i see someone in the corner..what was it humans do.... cry?.

Anyway, i saw a human crying in the corner and i walk over and see it was.... Emily??! "Emily? What happened?" i ask concerned and i help her up, making sure she was steady "j..just some bullies..nothing to worry about" she says but then she tried walking but, i caught her before she fell. Steve and my sister come over to us "she needs to go to the school nurse" steve says and i not in agreement.

Aja's POV

I could tell from my little brother's face that he was worried about this girl. I follow krel to the nurses office and the nurse says we have to wait outside the room. So we sit down on the couch in the hallway and my brother sighs "why do people hurt her? UGH! Why didn't i protect her sooner!?" He asks himself loudly, and starts pacing in the hallway.

 I could hear the pain in his voice and i frown ,i get up and stop him "little brother, calm down! I know you love that girl but pacing around and panicking isn't helping" i say calmly, sitting down with him as he rests his head in his hands "what do we do now?" He asks sadly "we go to the principle and report it, from what steve tells me for this situation" i say but as i do so ,the nurse comes out of the room "your friend will be ok, i stitched up the cuts on her cheek and treated any of the other injuries she has," We were relieved to hear that but i saw a concerned look the nurse had

 "But although she's resting..she told me it had been going on for 2 months almost 3 now or even longer, the bullying from chloe, even when she tries staying away, chloe and her friends followed her and continued it" the nurse continued, which shocked us to our cores"i'm going to report this to the principal" she says and i get up " i'm coming too, me and my brother with steve found her after all" i say and i look at krel "go to her little brother" i say as i leave with the school nurse to the principal's office.

Krel's POV

i go into the room and sit down on the edge of the bed where Emily was. She was curled up on the bed, a medical patch(i forgot what it was called) on her cheek where the cuts were stitched up. I rub her un-injured cheek with my hand gently "how does a beautiful girl like you get treated like this?" I say to myself. As i take my hand off she starts whimpering in her sleep,from what mother ship told me at home they're called nightmares. I get in next to emily and pull her close, hoping it will help.

To my surprise, it did as she calmed down almost instantly, snuggling closer to me in which i held her in my arms tightly but gently. I smile but still see a frown on her face, i frown but remember the lullabye mama and papa sung to me and aja when we were little and start humming it. Emily smiles in her sleep,relaxing in my hold "heh...cute....i promise Emily...i'll keep you safe, with my life if i have to" i say ,feeling tired myself. I lay down with emily and fell asleep.

Aja's POV

i arrive back at the nurse's office and i see my brother with Emily, and giggled as i see him holding her closely "you really do love this girl, little brother" i say to myself and move the bed cover over the two and as i leave i say "i hope you take good care of my little brother, Emily...neither of us want to lose another person we care about", i then leave going back to class and sit next to steve, as the future of my brother and Emily looked brighter right now.

(I hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you all next time! bye!)

3Below tales of arcadia Krel x oc (Discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz