Chapter 1: The Mystery girl appears

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Krell's POV

Me and my older sister, aja arrived to our class and sat down, aja next to her,what humans call, boyfriend ,steve. As the teacher arrived she is followed by a human girl(the image above ^_^) into the classroom , she faces the class looking nervous but smiling either way 

"class, we have a new student joining the school today, her name is Emily pinnington, i hope you all treat her nicely "the teacher announced, the human Emily spoke up "it's nice to meet you all, i hope we can be friends if you want to" she says with a bright smile. 

I felt my core beat fast as i saw her smile,and i do not know why, 'i might have to ask 'the steve' and my sister what this feeling is after class' i thought to myself, but as i did the human girl sat next to me in the empty seat and turns to me "hi there, i'm Emily, and you are?" she asks me, again i felt my core beat faster.

"k-krel, krel Tarron, it's nice to meet you" i reply'did i just stutter?' i thought "krel huh?, That name suits you" she says smiling then turns to look at the teacher "t-thank you" i reply again, stuttering and feeling my face heat up.

(After class in free period)

Aja's POV

I was sitting with my boyfriend steve talking when my little brother came over "hello little brother, is something wrong?" I asked " yes, when the new girl came, i felt...weird" he says " you felt weird?" Steve asked and my brother nodded 

"yes, my core had beat faster and my face felt hot,what is wrong with me?" He asks. i tried not to squeal but it slipped out "aww my little brother is in love!" i exclaimed , i heard steve chuckle a bit "i'm what?" Krel asked "you're in love little brother" i say again smiling,happy that my brother has found someone. "N-no i'm not!" He replied, denying it as his blush worsened " yes you are dude, your face is redder than a tomato" steve replied, krell just grumbles and walk on ahead to the gym

*timeskip to gym class*

As we heard the gym teacher call out our group names, Emily was grouped with me, krel and steve. I smile as we were called over to the ropes which i was the best at. I went first and climbed up to the top and rang the bell, then steve and my brother had a turn but krel this time got to the bell and rang it, steve fell off a quarter way up the rope and i giggle at that "nice try steve!" I call down to him. "Thanks babe!" Steve calls back.

 Then it was Emily's turn, she climed as fast as i did up the rope and rang the bell , i got down and me and my brother were shocked as well as the entire room "she's fast for a girl" steve says going over to us "yes she is" i reply. For a moment i thought i saw Emily's eyes flash blue but that could just be my imagination.

Today just got more interesting.

(Hope you enjoyed the first chap! Byee!)

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