He nodded, looking down at his hands. He seemed troubled with something, as if trying to get something out. "I'm sorry about your friend."

I grabbed his hand with both of mine and bit my lip. When I trusted myself to continue, I spoke, "yeah, thanks." But that conflicted expression didn't leave him. "Nick, you can say anything to me, you know that right? Whatever happened didn't change anything."

Something flickered in his expression and he looked up at me, "I know."

"I'm sorry you were brought into this. Angelo was always trying to come after me, and he used you as a way to control me. He knew what leverage he had over me by taking you, I'm so sorry."

That same emotion flickered through his eyes again and he spoke, "why did you give him back the gun? That could have been your only way out. Why didn't you take it?"

I knitted my eyebrows, confused. Wasn't it obvious? "And leave you to die? They would have killed you on the spot, Nick. Had I kept the gun, you would've received a bullet to the head."

He narrowed his eyes, "so?"

I had to do a double take. I was positive I didn't hear that right. "What do you mean 'so'? So you die. If they had to kill me to save you, I would have done that. But I would never leave you to die, Nick. I..."

His eyes widened and he cleared his throat, "you what?"

"I would never leave you. I'm with you always, remember? Cross my heart and beg to die."

He seemed to relax, "right."

Silence fell upon us as I looked at him and he looked down at his hands. It was probably only seconds, but if felt like hours.

When he finally looked at me, his lips formed a tight line, "I'll talk to you later." Patting my knee, he got up and left the room.

End of Flashback

"Gio, stop! Let me go! I don't want to leave, please!" Tears were streaming down Vee's face as she tried to pry herself away from Giovanni.

"Stop!" He yelled, "non sei al sicuro qui! Andiamo e questa è la fine!"

She looked at me for help and I lunged forward, grabbing Giovanni's sleeve. "Don't do this! Please don't!" I didn't want to cry, but I couldn't help the stream of tears from falling down my face.

They were nearly at the door now, and I was holding onto Veronica's hand, trying to keep them from taking her.

I felt two hands grab each of my arms pull me away, "come on. Let go. She's gotta go."

I turned to Lorenzo and grabbed onto his shirt, "please, please don't let him do this. Don't let him separate us! I'll do anything! I'll quit being an assassin! I'll hide in a basement! I'll do anything, but please...they're the only thing that keeps me sane, please!"

The look in his eyes let me know that it hurt him to see me like this. At that moment, however, I didn't care. I only cared about keeping the last person on this earth who I knew would help me keep my feet on the ground during this whole storm.

Yet, the amount of pain he was feeling didn't stop him from pulling me one last time. My arms let go at last and Giovanni took a screaming and crying Veronica away.

The sound of the door shutting allowed everything process in my mind. All the events that have been piling on my back nonstop.

When am I going to get a rest? When is all this damn pain going to stop?

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