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- Time skip 1 week -

Jackson and I haven't really been talking, I hoped he was thinking about me the way I was thinking about him. I think we just needed a few days apart and would reunite soon. Adam will occasionally text me and ask where I'm at or if I'm okay. I don't answer. I was trying to completely cleanse myself. Not for anything in particular just because I needed a break. I only texted Asia and sent streaks. My dad had work most of the time so I didn't really see him. It was a Saturday night and I was craving something to do. I posted a picture of me in the mirror with the caption "plans?" and posted it on my Snapchat. After a few minutes I got a notification from Jackson.

Jack 💕 - Can I come over?
Me - I mean sure
Jack 💕 - is ur dad home?
Me - no he's at work
Jack 💕- I'll be over soon

I wondered why Jackson just now decided to text me. I needed to talk to him. It was time we have a conversation about our relationship and it needed to be serious. I slipped on some black Adidas shorts and a white hoodie. I pulled my hair back to the best of my ability, I had been debating on whether or not I should let it grow out again or just leave it alone. My hair was about to my armpits, it was getting longer and I didn't know how I felt about it. A few minutes passed and I heard a car pull into the driveway. I put my phone in my hoodie pocket and went downstairs to open the door.

"Hey Tatiana." He said quietly.
"Hi, come in."
"So um what do you wanna do?" I asked shyly.
"Halo?" He said with a smile.
I chuckled. "I haven't played that game in foreverrr I wonder if I still have it."

We grabbed some Cokes and went upstairs. Halo was on the very bottom shelf of my Xbox games. I hadn't opened it since our first kiss. We played for about an hour randomly talking about dumb stuff and what not.

"Remember when we were all playing this and Adam went to the bathroom and I kissed you for the first time." He said looking over at me with a gentle smile on his face.
"Yeah, yeah I do. I didn't really know how to respond."
He laughed. "I know! You looked so scared."
"I was!" I said pushing his shoulder.
"Tatiana." He said my name softly like he once did, he paused the game and turned fully facing me. "I want you to know that I love you. And I've been taking advantage of the love you show me and I'm sorry. That is no excuse for how I've been acting lately and you have every right to be mad or leave me. You truly do mean a lot to me and I'm going to try to change." He hesitated. "Adam and I talked the other day." Again he paused and I felt my heart drop. Did Adam tell him we kissed? "He told me I needed to start treating you better because you are a special girl and I'm lucky to have you, and he's right! I never should have been with those other girls, I needed validation because I just thought you were getting bored with me."
It look me a few seconds to put my thoughts together, this could be my way out! I could leave him and focus on myself.
"I could never get bored with you." I said smiling.

I pushed back his messy black hair and caressed his cheek. He smiled, this made his dimples show. I traced around them and looked in his eyes. I leaned in and we shared a kiss. More passionate then the others, more loving. Maybe this was a change to get our relationship in order and actually act like the mature Sophomores we are.

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