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I laughed, "Oh yeah? Why's that."
"Okay fine, go ahead. Why don't you listen huh?" He said annoyed.

I rolled my eyes and pressed my ear up against the door. My stomach dropped when I heard squeaking and almost silent moans. He must have been really mad at me. He has never had sex with another girl behind my back. I turned to Adam who was looking away nervously. Tears flooded my eyes and ran down my cheeks. Why did this happen so often? When no one was around everything was fine but when there were other people he always gets ahead of himself. I wiped my tears and turned around. Adam stepped closer and hugged me.

"What am I gonna do?" I asked digging my head into his shoulder.
"I don't know but I know what I'm doing." He said pulling me away and taking a silver key out of his pocket. He stuck it in the knob and opened the door. I closed my eyes and turned away. I didn't want to see what was going on. I heard Jackson yell at him to get out and heard them start to argue. Soon the girl that kissed him earlier, Mollie came out of the room. Her hair was up in a rushed messy bun, her white shirt was inside out, her shorts were unbuttoned, and she was holding a grey lacy bra. She looked at me for just a second then put her head down and hurried down the stairs. The tears wouldn't stop. I didn't know how to make them. I grabbed my phone and texted my best friend, Asia. I told her everything that happened. She gave me the same response she always does.

"Bitch, leave him."

She never says anything else. I'm not leaving him. I'm not going to throw those two years away. Everything would be fine. He loves me and I love him. Adam and him were still arguing. Finally I got up and slowly walked to the room.

Jackson was sitting at the end of his bed, Adam across from him. He looked at me then back at Jackson.

"You make her cry almost every day! Can't you see you have this beautiful, amazing, loyal girl falling at your feet and you couldn't care less! How dumb are you! You only want her when you're horny and no one wants to fuck your nasty ass!"
"She has no reason to cry!" he yelled.
"Yes she fucking does you ass hole! You've cheated on her multiple times!"
"Get out or I'll call mom."
"Whatever." He said with no emotion.

As he walked out of the room he glanced at me. I looked towards Jackson then started walking towards me. I thought he would come and beg for my forgiveness, but he didn't. He went to the desk next to me and pulled out his vape then left the room. I hesitated before closing the door and looking around the room. Beside his bed was an open condom and gray lacy underwear. I let out a deep sigh and laid on his bed. Warm salty tears rolled down my cheeks as I curled up in a ball.

I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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