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I woke up the next day around 12pm. I laid in Jackson's bed for a few minutes sending streaks and watching snap stories. When I got up I started getting ready because I knew my dad wanted me home in just a few hours. I went downstairs with my bag to the kitchen and fixed myself a bowl of Frosted Flakes. Jackson came in the kitchen and sat next to me in the old brown chair. He kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm sorry for what happened last night. I was drunk. I didn't mean anything."
"I know you didn't."

He grabbed my chin and pulled me closer. He starred deeply into my eyes and kissed me passionately. We started to make out. Then I heard Adam walking passed us. I opened my eyes just enough to see him stop for just a second then turn around, shaking his head.

About an hour later Jackson and I were laying on the couch watching Moana. We both love Disney movies. My head rested on his chest as he played with my hair. It was moments like these that I cherished the most with him.

"I love you." He said softly
"I love you too." I replied looking up and kissing him on the cheek.

It was about 2 in the afternoon and we were all cleaning around the house. I was rushing because I knew I needed to be home soon. Thankfully my dad texted me and said he was called back into work and would be home late so he suggested I just stay again. I smiled at the text and put my phone away to finish cleaning the backyard.

After I was done I went back in the house where Adam and Jackson were just about finished cleaning the house.

"Hey my dad said I could stay again if that's good with you." I said smiling at Jackson.
"Yeah that's good. I have to go to work though, one of the guys and I switched shifts. I won't be that long."
"Okay cool, maybe when you get home we can all have a movie night." I suggested.
"I think we should." Adam said smiling softly.

After a few minutes Adam went up to his room and Jackson and I played pool in his basement. His basement consisted of an activity room, a guest room, a bathroom, and a laundry room. This is where Jackson and I would spend most of our time if we weren't outside or in his room. It was really cozy down there and we would go to get away from anything happening in the upper parts of the house. My heart aches for him. He is my world.

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