Chapter 18- It Will Be Ok

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"You do?" she asked. "Of course you are Molly. How can you not be? I mean you've woken from a terrible accident and're not scared of me right?" he asked. "What no. Why would I be?" she asked. "Good good. Just checking. Hey I haven't seen you in two days. You're off. Who knows what's going on in that head of yours" he said.

"One you wouldn't be here if I was scared of you. Two I barely know you but even I know that you are odder than me. And three, my head is the problem remember" Molly sighed. "I'd be sacred if I woke up and didn't remember part of my life Molly. What you are feeling is normal" he told her. "Every time I close my eyes I hope when I open them that I'd know the person you all think I am" she sighed. "Go on" he encouraged her. "My life what I wasn't all bad any of it really. But there are parts...... And now I have a whole entire part of my life that I don't remember instead" she said as she started to cry.

She lifted her right hand from under the covers to wipe her eyes when her hand staled in front of her face. He watched as her finger moved over and back over the tiny sock. "I'm scared I won't ever remember" she said gripping the sock. "I am too" he admitted and she looked at him. "I'm so confused" she told him. "I've being like that since I met you" he smiled. "It's not funny" she said annoyed. "I don't think any of this is funny Molly" he told her seriously.

"I have people telling me about I life I apparently have. My best friend is living in America. I've moved to another country. My parents are apparently sober and have cleaned up their act. Though my mother is still a bitch" she said. "Ya guess some things haven't changed entirely when it comes to her" he mumbled. "I don't know how I got here. And before you go trying to be smart I know I got hit by a car and that's why I'm in hospital. "she told him. "Wasn't going to say a thing" he said holding his hands up.

"How did you coming into my life change everything I knew? Why did I come to Madrid?" she asked. "You've changed my life. For the good I might add" he told her. "But how? Why? I just can't remember" she said frustrated. "You will" he told her. "You don't know that. I might never remember. I might never remember......him" she whispered gripping the sock in her hand. Cristiano leaned forward and she jumped when she felt his finger touch hers.

"We were wondering where that got to" he told her nodding at the sock. "It's so tiny" she whispered. "Crazy to think a little person could fit into it" he smiled. "How can I not remember? What kind of mot....." she paused not able to finish the sentence. "Molly" he said looking at her. "I carried him. I have birth to him. What kind of person does that make me? What kind of person doesn't remember all of that?" she asked angrily. "The kind who is suffering from amnesia" he told her. "It's no excuse" she snapped. "It's what's happening. And I know it's scary" he told her.

"How? How do you know that? Everyone keeps saying that but you don't know. They don't know what it's like. Being told that I have.....that he existed was on thing. But seeing him. Having him looking at me. Hearing him cry. I can't stop hearing that cry" she said sobbing. Cristiano stood from the chair and took a seat on the bed.

"It made it all real?" he asked and she nodded. "It is real Molly. He's real Molly" he said lifting her chin. "He's a wonderful amazing little boy. And that is all down to the strong gorgeous mother he has. And no one else. And the Molly I know won't let something like amnesia stop her from being an amazing mother" he told her. "I'm not.."she said pulling back her head.

"You're not ready. I know. I know. It's ok" he told her. "It's not ok. He doesn't deserve this. What kind of a mot..." she sighed. "You don't have to do anything you aren't ready for" he told her taking her hand into his. "You don't have to speak to Dr. Lopez if you don't want to. You don't have to see anyone if that's what you want" he said. "But" she muttered. "But the doctors know what they are doing. They are experienced when dealing with you condition. They are here to help you. And my big ears are always available to listen to you" he told her and she laughed. "That's better" he smiled brushing the tears off her cheek.

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