Chapter 10-Anytime Mols

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"Mols" Sarah said waving her hand in front of Molly's face. "Mols talk to me" Sarah said in a panic. "Molly" Sarah yelled and Molly moved her arm to her head. "Don't shout" she winced as pain ran through her head. "I'm sorry. It's just you were just staring into blank space. I thought, I thought you were...I don't know what I thought" Sarah sighed. "I don't know what I think" Molly mumbled.

"Are you ok?" Sarah asked. "Fine and dandy. Why wouldn't I be?" Molly said. "Mols" Sarah sighed again. "I don't...remember" Molly said. "The doctor explained right?" Sarah asked. "Ya. I think. I don't know. How could I not remember that I have....." she paused. "A son" Sarah said. "It really is true?" Molly asked Sarah once more for confirmation. "Yes it is. And you're a really good mama just so you know" Sarah told her taking a seat in a chair beside Molly's bed.

"A good mama who can't....who can't" Molly began to struggle to catch her breath. "Mols you ok?" Sarah asked sitting forward. "No" Molly said as she started to cry. Sarah reached out her hand and gently rubbed Molly's injured arm. "I know this is difficult for you" Sarah said. "No no you don't" Molly cried. "You'll get your full memory back Mols" Sarah told her. "Will I? Do you know that for certain? Molly asked. "The doctor is hopeful Mols" Sarah said not knowing what to say.

"The last thing I remember is fighting with.....fighting with mum and now I'm lying in a hospital in a different country. I'm eighteen years of age and I don't remember who I got here" Molly cried and Sarah bit her lip. "What? What is it?" Molly asked trying to move in the bed. "Don't freak out ok" Sarah said. "I have another kid?" Molly asked worried. "No no nothing like that. Just the one child. One really cute child. But that's a given when he has you as his mama and I guess Cris isn't too hard on the eyes" Sarah said.

"Sarah" Molly said. "Sorry. I'm nervous. I ramble when I'm nervous you know that. Ok so the last thing you remember is New Year's right?" Sarah asked. "Ya. I was on a break from school. We went to a party. I was in England. How am I in Spain?" Molly asked. "Cris is probably the person you need to talk to about that" Sarah said. "I don' can't make me" Molly said scared. "Hey hey it's ok. I'm not going to make you talk to anyone you don't want to. It's ok Mols. Really he's not even pushing me to get you to see him. In fact he didn't even want me to really talk about him in case it made you upset. And clearly I didn't succeed in not doing that" Sarah said. "I just...." Molly paused.

"This is all new and freaking for you. Speaking of freaking and remember the doctors have said that they are hopeful this whole Amnesia thing will go but well...don't freak out ok" Sarah said. "Just tell me" Molly snapped. "You're not eighteen Mols. You're twenty. Its 2011" Sarah said. "2011" Molly whispered. "Ya" Sarah said. "2011. I don't remember two years of my life. I don't remember I have a son. What the fuck is wrong with me?" Molly said crying. "You have amnesia Mols. Your memory will come back. And you have so many people who care about you that will help you through all this. I'll stay here for as long as I need. You have so many close friends here in Madrid that will support you. You're parents are here and are so worried" Sarah said.

"My parents are here?" Molly asked. "Ya Cris flew them over" Sarah said. "Wow they managed to tare themselves away from the pub and bookies then" Molly said. "They've changed Mols. A lot has happened. A lot of what you don't remember" Sarah said. "Sure" Molly said. "Well I'm sure they'd love to see you. And when you're ready there's a bunch more people who would like to see you too. Granted you might not recognize them but well Mols you need to know that there's a lot of people who really care about you. You've made a life here in Spain. A really good life" Sarah told her. "A life I can't remember" Molly sniffled. "Mols" Sarah said. "I can remember my mother falling into my bedroom drunk when I was eight but can't remember this good life I have here. In this stupid city. In this stupid country" Molly said. "Well it's warmer than in San Fran and you have a great tan" Sarah said trying to keep things light. "San Fran?" Molly asked confused. "Sorry I forgot. I live there now. I moved there before you moved here. I actually haven't seen you in person in nearly two years. Usually we only see each other through a screen" Sarah said. " so much has happened" Molly said. "And you'll remember it all soon. Don't stress ok" Sarah said. "Ya sure. I'll try not stress about the fact I've apparently just woken up from a coma and oh ya I missing two years of my life" Molly said.

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