Chapter 19- Like Hearing You Say That

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Cristiano sighed as he closed the front door to his house. It had just gone nine at night but he was tire. Physical and mentally tired. He had only planned on dropping off the things he had got Molly after the game. Of course he had being under the assumption that he wouldn't see her. When he had spoken to Nuno after the game, he had being happy to hear that Molly had spoken earlier that day. And he had also liked the idea of her watching his game. Though he had hoped it wasn't the awful start. But along with happiness, he had also felt some jealousy towards Nuno at him being the one Molly had spoken to. 

Of course that had all changed when he found Molly yelling at the Physicist and then she had asked him to stay. He could hear the pain in her voice as she had spoken. It killed him to hear her that way. It had killed him to hear how she couldn't call herself Junior's mother. How she hated not being able to remember Junior. He knew it had taken her a lot to admit that she was scare. And he had told the truth when he had replied that he was scared. Cos he was. He was terrified in fact. Terrified that the Molly he once knew would not want him around. "Cris is that you?" he heard Katia ask as she appeared in the hallway. 

"You're back at last" she smiled at him. "Hi" he said. "Come on in and sit down and I'll get you something to eat" she said. "I'm really not that hungry Katia" he said sadly as he followed after her. "Hey Cris" Nuno said from his seat at the table where Sarah, Pepe and Ana all sat too. "We were beginning to think you had forgotten where home was" Pepe joked. "No that would be Molly" Cristiano said taking a seat at the table. "We didn't think you'd be so long" Sarah told him. "I went for a drive around after leaving Molly" he told them. He needed to clear his head. He had texted Katia asking for her to watch Junior and told her he was with Molly. "How is Junior?" Cristiano asked Katia.

 "He's sound asleep. He's ok" she replied. "Is he really? Can he be? Can any of us?" he asked rubbing his eyes. "What happened with Molly? I know she spoke with us for a little bit today but I didn't think she would talk to you" Sarah told him. "When I got there a nurse told me I could leave some stuff I bought in her room cos she was meant to be gone for a scan. But she wasn't. When I got there she was yelling at a woman" he told them. "Who was the woman? Please tell me it wasn't Kitty" Sarah asked. "Relax she's in England. It was some Psychiatrist. Dr. Vicente asked for her to speak to Molly" Cristiano told them. "And I'm guessing that didn't go down well" Sarah said. "You guessed right. Anyway after I put the doctor in her place, Molly asked me to stay" Cristiano said.

 "That's good" Ana said. "Seeing Junior really got to her. She doesn't know how to feel. She's confused. She just wants to remember" he told them. "I could kill Kitty for taking Junior to see her" Sarah said angrily. "It wasn't just her" Cristiano mumbled. "And Maé feels really bad for her part in upsetting Molly" Katia told her little brother. "Doesn't make everything alright" he sighed. "So what happens now? Do you think Molly would be up to see other people?" Ana asked. 

"Maybe I don't know. She wants things to go back to normal but her current normal isn't our normal or the normal she actually knows. Urgh this is all so confusing" he said. "Has Dr. Vicente said anymore about her progress?" Sarah asked. "Just that we have to take it day by day. Molly should be starting physio again in a few days. But in regards to her memory there's still no way of knowing when she'll remember any of us" he said. "Dr. Vicente did say that people with amnesia do tend to remember those they love first. Surely she'll remember Junior soon. She loves him" Sarah said. 

"Of course she loves him but you saw how she reacted the other day when she saw Junior" Ana said. "I showed her a picture of him today" Cristiano said. "Oh ya cos that's smart. Jezz you saw how she reacted the other day" Sarah said. "She asked me to show her a picture" Cristiano said. "Oh" Sarah said. "And?" Ana asked. "She cried on my shoulder for nearly an hour. She exhausted herself with all the crying. When I left she was asleep" he told them. "At least it's a start" Ana told him. "Maybe. I'm pretty tired myself. I think I'm going to head up. I'll see you guys tomorrow" Cristiano told them.

You, Me and Our Familyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें