Chapter 27- Wouldn't Be Anywhere Else

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All Molly could hear was background noise as Dolores kept talking as she looked at all of the photos around the living room. She might not have been paying close attention to what Dolores was saying but she didn't miss her continued use of the word home. There's no place like home. Home is the best place to recover. Home home home was all Molly kept hearing. She had been in the house for less than twenty four hours and she had heard the word home at least fifty times. How was the house her home? She didn't remember it. She didn't remember the people who lived there. She didn't remember the room she was staying in.

 She didn't remember ever looking at the photos on the walls before. She didn't remember the place that was meant to be her home. She had no home. The home she had with her parents was not her home. The flat she shared with Sarah that she could remember had never felt like her home. She looked at the picture in her hand. She wished she could remember the time it was taken. She couldn't miss the smile on her face. She looked so happy with Junior in her arms and the kids at her feet. She couldn't even bare to be in the same room as him right now. Something clearly different to when the picture had been taken. Her chest felt tight as tears formed in her eyes.

 She placed the photo back down and moved to leave the room. She didn't even know where she was going. She just let her legs walk and before she knew it, she found herself outside the front gate of Cristiano's house. She looked around the street. A street she had apparently walked numerous times. A street where she had lived on for so many months. A street where some of her apparent friends lived. A street where her home was. 

Maybe it was a bad idea to come here she thought as she wiped a tear from her cheek and began to walk. Maybe she should tell Cristiano that she couldn't stay at the house. She could deal with seeing the disappointment on his face after she had told him. She could deal with it. She thought she could, but she didn't really know. She didn't know anything anymore. On minute she felt ok like she belonged and the next minute she felt so lost.

She was tired of feeling so lost. She was tired of failing everyone. She was tired of not being able to be in the same room as her s..."Stupid. Stupid. Stupid" she muttered when she couldn't even finish her thought not to mind say it out loud. She noticed tyre tracks on the grass and paused. She looked around the street as she felt the tracks were out of place but didn't know why. Her head pounded and she couldn't stop shaking and the next thing she knew all she could hear was the sound of a car horn blowing loudly and she opened her eyes to find a black car the length of her arm away from her. 

"Do you love getting hit by cars or something?" a man yelled as he got out of the car. "What are you doing out here?" he asked coming towards her. She held her shaking hands up and she attempted to move her legs but started to wobble. "Wow there" the man said standing her straight. "Don't touch me" she yelled. "Ok ok just take it easy ok" he said holding his hands up. "Lean against the car. You've had a fright. And you're not the only one. One minute you were on the footpath the next you were just standing right in front of the car" he said as she leaned against the bonnet of the card with her head in her hands. "Take long deep breaths" the man said. "When you are feeling ok we can get you back home" the man said. "No stop it" she snapped. "Or we can just stay here whatever" he said taking a seat on the footpath. 

"Just leave me alone" she muttered. "One way to rid of me is for you to go back home" he said. "I don't know where my home is" she cried. "It's back there" he said pointing to Cristiano's house. "That's not my home. I don't know where my home is anymore" she said. "So it is true what they have all been saying at training. You really don't have any memory at all?" he asked. "Who are you?" Molly asked confused. "Ouch Ms. English Rose. You're really hurting me here. I'm the best footballer in the world" the man said. "I thought the house I just came from belonged to the best footballer in the world" Molly replied, and the man laughed. 

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