Chapter 12-Question Time

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"It's really good to hear you laugh Mols" Cristiano said smiling at her as she laughed. "It's complicated" Molly laughed. "Mols" Sarah said. "Story of my life" Molly said wincing. "Mols are you ok?" Sarah asked. "I'm fine. It's just my ribs. I shouldn't be laughing" Molly said. "They do say laughter is the best medicine" Cristiano said.

"Who are they?" Molly asked. "Huh?" Cristiano asked. "They. Who are the they who say laughter is the best medicine?" Molly asked. "Ahmm I don't know" he said confused. "She's just trying to annoy you Cris. And it's quite fun" Sarah smirked at Cristiano. "Ha ha ha" Cristiano said and Sarah started to laugh.

"What's so funny now?" Cristiano asked. "Oh just remembering your face earlier. You know when you told Molly she had the body of a VS model" Sarah smiled. "Sarah" Molly said embarrassed. "It's fun to annoy her too" Sarah winked at Cristiano. "Your friend is annoying" Cristiano muttered to Molly. "Very much so" Molly replied. "I'll play from now on" Sarah said holding her hands up in surrender.

"So Cris why don't you tell Molly something about yourself" Sarah suggested. "Why?" Cristiano asked confused. "Is he always this dense?" Sarah asked Molly. "Ahmm amnesia remember" Molly said pointing to herself. "Oh ya" Sarah said. "Who's the dense one now?" Cristiano smirked at Sarah. "Oh shut up and talk to her. How's she meant to get to know you or even remember you of you two don't talk" Sarah said. "Ok ok good point. Ahmm ok" he stammered trying to thing what to say. "Jezz" Sarah said rolling her eyes. "Sarah said you're the reason I'm here" Molly said. "What?" Cristiano asked looking at Sarah with hurt on his face.

"Wow wow wow I never said it was your fault she is in hospital buddy" Sarah told him. "Why...why would you think that?" Molly asked him. " said that she said I was the reason you were here" he replied. "Here as in Madrid" Molly said. "Oh" he replied. "Why would you think it's your fault I'm in here? Where you driving the car that hit me?" she asked. "No. Of course not" he replied. "Then how could it be your fault?" she asked. "I..." he paused. "It was the drunk driver who was at fault" she told him. "I should have knocked that smile off his face" Cristiano said angrily as he gripped the side of the chair he sat in. "You were there?" Molly asked and he looked at Sarah who shrugged and nodded for him to continue.

"Only after" he said sadly. "You ok?" she asked him and he laughed. "Just don't like remembering you like that...seriously you're the one in a hospital bed and you're asking me how I'm feeling" he said. "What else am I supposed to say?" she asked. "I don't know" he shrugged.

"So since you are in Madrid does that mean you don't play for Man United anymore?" Molly asked. "So you know who I am then?" he asked.

"I remember seeing you kick a ball around a pitch if that's what you mean" she replied. "Totally was a secret fan" he winked at Sarah. "More likely I was waiting for her boyfriend to give me the tv remote" Molly said looking Sarah. "Hey you and I enjoyed watching some of the hotties running around the pitch if I remember correctly" Sarah told her. "Not that often" Molly said. "I joined Real Madrid the summer of 2009" Cristiano told Molly.

"So that's what nearly two years ago for you and half a year for me?" Molly asked. "Ya I guess" he replied. "That's a long time" Molly said. "But you'll remember it soon" Sarah told her. "So you must be good then if you're playing for Madrid?" Molly asked wiping a tear from her eye.

"Good? Please" Cristiano scoffed sitting back in his chair. "I'm the best in the world" he smiled at her. "And exactly how many people are in this world you have created in your own little head?" Molly asked. "Just millions in this world Mols" he said and Molly rolled her eyes. "You know you even think I'm the best in the world" he smirked at her. "Ok now that is something I would never say" she said. "Yes you have" he smiled at her. "Are you sure he didn't get a head injury too?" Molly asked Sarah who laughed.

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