Chapter 29-Friendship

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"You know you really didn't have to pick me up from the airport" Sarah said as she sat in the passenger seat of a car she knew cost more than what she could earn in fifteen years if not more. "It's no trouble" Cristiano smiled at her as he drove away from the airport. "It's 4 in the morning. I'm sure you'd rather be in bed. Don't you have training soon?" she asked. "Yes I do. And I really don't mind picking you up. I wasn't really able to sleep anyway" he said concentrating on the road ahead of him. "Molly?" Sarah asked. "Something happened at dinner that I should be super excited about but...."he sighed. "But what? What happened Cristiano?" Sarah asked worried.

"She had dinner with us" he replied. "That's it. She had dinner with you guys. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" she asked smacking his arm. "Hey I'm trying to drive here" he said. "You're the one making it sound like something awful has happened with Molly. You're luck it was only a tap I gave you" Sarah said crossing her arms. "That wasn't a little tap" he muttered. "I've just got of a really long flight and I'm tired. I really wouldn't recommend pissing me off right now footie boy" Sarah said. As soon as the words footie boy were out of her mouth Cristiano burst into laughter. "What's so funny?" Sarah asked. "I totally can see how you and Molly are friends" he laughed. "She's always being a sassy chick. Guess it rubbed off on me too" Sarah grinned.

"I miss that Molly" he said sadly. "She's still in there you know. It's just going to take a little bit of time to come out" Sarah said. "Junior was with us" Cristiano said. "With where?" Sarah asked confused. "At dinner. Molly sat at the table with Maé, Nuno and I. And Junior" Cristiano said. "Oh" Sarah said. "Yes oh. She just took a seat at the table like it wasn't a big deal" Cristiano said. "It's just dinner" Sarah shrugged. "It wasn't just a dinner. You don't get it" Cristiano said. "I don't get how huge a step Molly took by sitting at the same table as the little boy she carried for nine months and now can't remember. How huge it was for her to even be in the same room as him. I get it Cristiano. Believe me I get it" Sarah said staring out of the car window. 

"I'm over thinking it. Am't I?" Cristiano asked. "It's was probably just a bit of a shock. I mean from what you've told me and from what she's told me, she has frozen every time she has been around him. And then she goes and sits in the same room as him. I can get why your head is all over the place about it. But she's trying. That's the most important thing Cristiano" Sarah said. "Ya I guess it was her way of trying. That's what I can't stop thinking about" Cristiano said. "I would have thought Molly trying with Junior was a good thing. You know something you've wanted" Sarah said. "It is. It really is. It's just......You didn't see her the other day Sarah. She completely freaked out. What if it all gets too much for her? What if she takes off one day and I lose her? I can't lose her" he said.

"You're forgetting something" Sarah said. "And what's that?" Cristiano asked. "She chose to be in that house. She chose to live there when she got out of the hospital. That doesn't sound like someone who is going to run away" Sarah said. "But it's Molly. She pushes people away. It was she does" he sighed. "She didn't manage to push me away. And she hasn't managed to push you away. The doctors said it's going to take time for Molly to recover" Sarah said. "And what if she doesn't recover?" he asked. "We'll think about that if the time comes I guess" she shrugged. "So ignore and deny any thoughts of it?" he asked. "Right now yes. Cos all I want is a bed to get some decent sleep" she yawned. "Well lucky for you I know a place that has one" he smiled.

"You ok there Ronnie?" Nuno asked as he walked into the kitchen. "Fine" Cristiano said letting out a yawn as he lifted his head off the table. "Did Sarah get here ok?" Nuno asked. "Ya her flight was on time. She was pretty exhausted from all the flying" Cristiano replied. "You should have let me pick her up" Nuno said as he worked in the kitchen. "It was good to talk to her. I wasn't really in a sleeping mood anyway" Cristiano said. "Well at least I know my lasagne rocks enough to keep Molly sitting at the table with us all" Nuno smirked. "Haha I still think she'd prefer Maé cooking" Cristiano joked.

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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