Chapter 5- Where I Belong Right Now

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"You're going to put a hole in that floor if you keep pacing" Pepe said as Cristiano continued to pace up and down the waiting room. Something he had being doing from the moment Molly's parents had left to go see their daughter. "I'll buy them another fucking floor then" Cristiano snapped.

"Ronaldo" Dolores said as he looked at his watch again. "I'm sure it won't be much longer" Jorge said. "It was good of you to let them go see her first" Sergio said. "They are her parents. Of course they should see her. Cris is just.....what exactly is she you to these days? It's so hard to keep up. First she was just the nanny, then she was just in the way and....." "Enough Ana" Jorge said interrupting her. "It's not just him that's scared to death about what could happen to Molly. Just because he's finally woken up as you lot say doesn't mean he gets the power to worry most" Ana said.

"She's the mother of his son" Dolores said. "Now that it suits him" Ana muttered and Pepe muttered her to stop under his breath from where he sat next to her on the couch. "The doctors always make things sound worse than they are. We'll see for ourselves soon. She'll be awake and asking for food before we know it" Jorge said trying to stay positive but mostly trying to avoid a fight. The door opened and Zé entered the room.

"Hey" he said. "Hey Zé. How is Rodrigo?" Jorge asked. "He just got back from x-ray. He has a broken arm but luckily they don't need to operate. He was looking his nana" Zé said. "You should go up to see him Maé" Cristiano said. "Maye in a little while" Dolores replied. "How is Molly?" Zé asked and Cristiano paused from pacing. "I'll fill you in on our walk up to Rodrigo. Come one Dolores all we are doing here is waiting. Let's go see Rodrigo. Pepe will come find us if we are needed" Jorge said. "Of course I will" Pepe nodded. "I don't know" Dolores mumbled. "Go Maé. Molly would want you to be with him" Cristiano said. "Ok" Dolores said standing. "But come find me if there's any more updates" she said. "We will" Pepe said and she exited the room with Zé following behind.

"I have a few calls to make" Jorge said. "Go we'll be fine here" Pepe said and Jorge looked between Ana and Cristiano. "Go sort out what you have to sort out Jorge" Pepe said. "And could you phone Nuno. He should know what's going on" Cristiano asked. "I won't be long" Jorge said. "They better lock that idiot of a driver for years for doing this to Molly" Sergio said. "I should have hit that smile of his face" Cristiano said making a fist with his right hand as he paced. "Cos getting yourself arrested would be such a great help right now" Ana said.

"Well it sure as hell would have made me feel better" Cristiano snapped. "Well as long as you feel good who cares about the rest of us" Ana snapped. "It would have made feel better to beat the crap out of that guy" Sergio said. "Our focus should be on Molly not the driver" Ana said. "Our focus is on Molly. The only thing I can think about is Molly. How she is laying somewhere in this fucking building in god knows what kind of state more or less fighting for her life" Cristiano yelled.

"Jorge is right. Doctors make things sound worse than they are" Sergio said. "Will you just sit down Ronaldo. You're driving me insane with all the pacing" Ana snapped. "Molly would probably say that you're already insane" Cristiano said. "Cos I'm dating Pepe" Ana said smiling slightly. "Hey" Pepe said. "I hate waiting. I just want to see her" Cristiano said taking a seat beside Pepe.

"I know it's hard. And I'm sure pushing Kitty and Mark to go see her was really tough but you will get to see her soon" Ana told him. "I know they need time with their daughter but...." he paused.

"Just be prepared Cris ok. You heard what the doctors said. She'd badly hurt. You need to be prepared for what you will see" Ana told him. "I don't think it can be any worse than how I'm picturing she could be right now in my head" Cristiano said. "I really hope she's not how you are currently picturing her. I can just imagine the things you are picturing right now" Ana said.

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