He just rolls his eyes and grabs my bacon out my hand. I just shake my head and finish eating.

Minutes later we all finish eating and head out to the training yard and everyone is waiting for direction. "Ok so, you trained in human form now you will train in wolf form. Rox, start splitting everyone up. Give everyone a new person to fight. Once you are in your groups I want you to shift and wait for my go ahead" they all nod their heads and we start to put people in groups.

Once done I made a few changes and made sure everyone was with someone. I then walk to each group and nod my head then they start to fight then I stopped some groups, gave them pointers then told them to keep going.

I then went to Joshua's group and he was holding his own against 6 wolves. Even mama Nichole was doing good and she had five. Each member of the Alpha family has at least five people to fight. Only Joshua, Damien, and Alejandro have six people.

Five hours later, almost everyone has had to go against six people and I couldn't be more proud of them. Rox even started to train. I did two rounds.

Right now everyone is taking a brake. They all did so good so I guess I'll end training early today. "You all did so good today, I am very proud of everyone and just for that, training is over with. Go rest up, eat, and enjoy your day"

As Rox and I were walking back into the house we were suddenly picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder and they started running. I look up and see Joshua and Damien running after us. I turn my head a little and I see that I'm over Chris shoulder and Rox is over Jack's shoulder and their both laughing.

"They always keep you guys to themselves" Jack yelled.

"We want to spend time with y'all too" Chris also yelled.

"You drop me and I kill you!" Rox yelled while I just laugh. "You could have asked guys. Instead of kidnapping us" I say just hanging there as they run through the house. I don't see the point in fighting it.

"What fun would that be?" They both tell at the same time as we entered what looks like the game room. They sat us down on the couch then stood in front of us. "What now?" I ask looking between the two. "Honestly I have no idea. We didn't plan this far ahead" Chris said scratching the back of his head.

My phone starts to ring in my pocket. I look at it and see it's a FaceTime from Embry.

Yes Embry?

Hey what are you doing right now?, he asks

Nothing just finishe-, I stop mid sentence when I hear growling. He turns the camera and I see a little gray wolf growling at him.

I swear his little self is always challenging someone. I'm on my way, is all I say then hang up the phone.

"I'm going to my parents house, wana come?" I ask everyone in the room.

"Hell yea! They got good snacks over there" Luke says running towards the door. "Ahhhh!" I hear Luke scream like a little girl. We all just stare at the door and see Joshua and Damien walk in with Luke in the air. "Put him down" Rox and I say at the same time. They look at each other and then just drop him on his back. "Fuck!" He grunts. "That's not what we meant idiots" Rox says shaking her head.

"We're going over to my parents house. I need to handle a little something" I say walking over to Joshua and wrapping my arms around his waist kissing his chest which makes him shiver then looking up at him like I didn't do anything.

"Hell yea! They got good snacks over there" Damien says throwing Rox over his shoulder and running out the room.

"Yea, let's go" he says grabbing my hand. "Wait can I get on your back. Your just so freakishly tall" he looks at me and shakes his head with a chuckle but stands in front of me and I jump up on his back. "Yes!" I whisper yell to myself. He just shakes his head and kept walking till we got outside and I hopped off. "Thanks sweetness" I say slapping his butt. He looks at me like I'm crazy. "Don't be doing that shit" he says in a serious tone but it just makes me laugh.

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