"This is huge," Annabel breathed out.

"Do you want me to come inside with you?"

"No, that's okay. I think I should do this by myself." She sighs, and I can tell she's nervous.

"Okay, I'll be waiting here for you." I tell her, grabbing her shaking hand. "Remember, this isn't an interview yet, so just be as polite as possible, and ask if they're hiring. You'll have no problems, you're already perfect."

"I'm not perfect. But thank you, Harry." She smiles, giving me a quick kiss on the lips. She pulls the handle, and steps out, leaving me longing for her sweet lips.

~Annabel's POV~

I walked nervously up to the glass doors, and pulled the silver handle. The place was already huge, and modern. Everything was bright, and white, with light shades of silver and blue. I walked up to the front desk, which was a semi-circle, with a blue, silver, and white glass tiles behind the lady, with the words, "Summer's Publishing."

"Can I help you?" A young looking woman asked, raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

"I was wondering if I could get a job here, if you're hiring?" I spoke, remembering to smile.

"We aren't currently hiring. Sorry." She spoke in a monotoned voice.

"If I could just speak with your manager, that'd-"

"Listen, I told you we aren't looking for any help. I'm positive that my manager, will not want to see you. So, you can go ahead and walk through those double doors, and leave."


"Do I need to call security? Because that won't be a problem." She snapped. "Now, I suggest you leave, and-"

"Nikki!" A deep voice yelled out, the sound of footsteps getting closer.

"And I will be glad to help you with that! I think that's him now!" She smiled a fake smile, hatred in her eyes, as she realized who was coming over.

"I need you to run these over to the Check Lab. Also, I'm expecting a call from a very important company at 3, so make sure I have a free slot then."

"No problem Mr. Summers." She smiled widely, taking the papers from his hand.

"Good." He looked over at me, and looked at my height. "Who do we have here?"

"Oh, she was just about to leave. I was about to escort her out." Nikki lied.

"Why? Does she have a scheduled appointment?" He asked, his eyes not leaving me. He was a young man, younger than I expected, and he certainly did not look old enough to be running a very large, and successful company. His hair was brown, and short, and he had a very defined face shape. He was dressed sophisticatedly, in a full suit and tie.

"No sir, she does not."

"What did she need?" He shifted his body the slightest bit towards Nikki, his eyes still not leaving mine.

"She was looking for a job, sir. But I told her we weren't hiring at the moment."

"Squeeze her in now, I have time." He points.

"But sir-"

"Just do it Nicole, then direct her to my office. I need to sign some papers. Make sure she gets in now, I have no other free time."

"Yes sir." She mumbles, typing on her keyboard as he walks away. While I wait, I pull out my phone, and check a text message from Harry.

From Harry: How's it going in there? xx

To Harry: The lady isn't very kind, but I think I'm seeing the manager soon.

From Harry: Do you need me to go in there? I can't exactly hit a girl, but I can defend mine.

To Harry: No, I think I've got it. I love you xx

I smiled, and locked the screen as Nikki looked up at me. "You can go see him. Take the elevator up to the top floor, and speak to the lady upstairs. If there's no one there, just knock on his door."

"How will I-"

"You'll know." She interrupts, typing away on her laptop yet again. I walked to the side, and pushed the "Up" button, and the elevator doors opened instantly. I stepped inside, and clicked floor 50, wondering why they needed so many floors. After a minute of awkward elevator music, I stepped out and onto the beige carpeting. There was another front desk, but smaller, and it looked almost as if it was a hotel hallway, with just 2 rooms. No one was at the front desk, so I walked forward, and found a door with Jack Summers written on it. I straightened my skirt out, before knocking on the door. A few seconds later, his figure appeared at the doorframe, his complexion looking tanner than I remembered.

"Hello Mr. Summers," I cleared my throat. "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me." I held my hand out.

"It's very nice to meet you." He spoke slowly, shaking my hand. "Please, come in." He held an arm out, towards the room, and I smiled, stepping in, and looking around.

"You have a nice office." I complimented. It was modern and huge, yet had a relaxing, and soothing vibe about it. Comfy as well.

"Thank you, Ms..."

"Shaw. Annabel Shaw." I finished.

"Okay, Ms. Shaw. Tell me about yourself." He said, with a smirk.


Sorry, kinda a filler chapter!


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