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Yup, here am I after almost 7 months. Read till the last part to find out why I was absent.

I'm. Sobbing.

This book is so original. The characters, the place, the history. I'm mind blown. I am so close to comparing the author to JK Rowling. The author has expertly created a whole new world, still keeping it simple and realistic. The details are minutious and absolutely amazing. The characters are so well thought, each of the Everard Family members are so different yet so alike. Their personalities are captivating, and trust me, once you pick this book up, figuratively of course, you won't be able to keep it down.

I've read the Everard Series once, hadn't had enough of it obviously, and now I've started to re-read it.


  "Whatever happens, Blair, I want you to always be reminded that you are the ruby of one Everard."


Agatha Blair has been with the Everards for nearly two years. She is plain and barely passes the category of pretty. And she is secretly in love with the boring, brooding brother of her wards.


Benedict Everard is the eldest of all the Everard children. His sisters call him the beast. And he secretly believes the governess is a bore.


Hers is dark, his is never talked about.

Still set in the fictional place of the Town, this first story of the Everard Family Series follows an unstoppable love that cannot, one that will test a fun and quirky family living in the affluent and wicked town of Wickhurst.


I'm sorry for disappearing for months. 2019 has been a wild, wild, ride for me. I ended high school last year in November, got my A-Levels results in February. Started working in March. Stopped working in July. Started University in August. And now, here I am.

I'm currently procrastinating to revise. I have exams next week and oh lord! I am so not prepared. Therefore, while procrastinating, I decided to read one of my favorite books again.

Side note. While I started working, I had zero time for books, so I somehow fell out of reading. And to be honest, I got enough of wattpad books. During this past month, I immersed myself in TV series. I was watching only TV series, and damn, it did me gooooood.

Anyways, I can't promise I'll continue to publish chapters frequently, since I'm barely reading, but I'll try my best.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

Mic drop.

BOOKS THAT NEED TO BE READ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora