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Sorry for disappearing (I was busy watching The Flash and other TV series).

I spent yesterday night and a good portion of today reading this amazing book.

I have read dozens of cheesy novels, but never one like this.

This book is so original and nice and does funny things to my belly and ugh.


Elliot is a writer. A very crazy writer. And she is in search of a co-author for her new book. In comes Beck, who she hates a lot. She can't stand him, his ideas or criticisms. But unfortunately for her, his work is very good and they are bound by a contract.

This is not your usual romantic books. They won't fall in love in the first 4 chapters. And this is what makes this book so good.

The characters in these books are so funny and their humour so dark and entertaining. You can't help but fall in love with their crazy personalities.

Anyways, bye.

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