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I don't normally update so quickly but this part of the story kind of inspires me to keep going right now. Hope you're enjoying this!


   I hadn't realized that I was shaking until Liam took both of my hand in his. He was steady. I was not. 

   "And this... Elijah..." he paused. Clearly, he was trying to find the words to say and was coming up short. 

   My mind was in a frenzy of thoughts. 

   Elijah. Elijah Miller. The man. The unobtainable fantasy. The one who broke me. The one whose heart is set in stone. 

   Could he have committed murder? And if not, why would he look to me to pull him out of his hole? With all that I know about him?

   Finally I looked into Liam's eyes. I forced myself to say something - if anything - to try to explain the situation. Why I was shaking. Why I was so utterly terrified. 

   "Elijah and I haven't spoken in over two years. We were together for almost that long. He wasn't... good."

   I didn't know how to explain it to Liam. I didn't know where to start. The cute relationship that Eli and I had had at first? The sudden arguments? His temper tantrums? His jealousy? The drugs? The... abuse?

   What used to be my life?

   Liam took a deep breath in. "Okay. Just, calm down, okay? Just... eat your food and we'll go straight home and talk about it there, alright?"

   I wasn't hungry anymore. In fact, I felt like I might actually throw up instead. But I needed to act normal. Nothing was happening. Everything was fine. Whatever it was that Elijah was up to, I'd figure it out.

   What I couldn't quite figure out was how I was supposed to tell Harry.

   After breakfast, Liam and I went straight back to the house. Harry and Zayn hadn't arrived yet. I didn't know whether I felt relieved or not. But I went straight into the room I shared with Harry and sat on the edge of the bed. I couldn't get over the fact that Elijah might have actually killed somebody. And that he was expecting me to help him. 

   Of all the people he could've picked, he chose me. He should have picked somebody else. 

    Tons of memories started to rush back in waves. I remembered th beginning. The way that he was at first was indescribable. I felt so incredibly safe. I felt secure. I felt like nothing could touch me. He'd been my rock. He'd cared. 

   But that wasn't Elijah. He had put on a mask. He'd shown me only what he wanted me to see. Until I was too deep in his shit that I couldn't get back.

   Elijah was a part of me for so long. And, thought I hated to admit it, he still was. I was still afraid. I was still broken. What he did...


   I jumped only a little. I'd been so caught up in my thoughts, I hadn't realized that Liam was standing at the door frame.

   I looked down to my hands and swallowed hard. I could trust Liam.

   I motioned to the bed so that he'd come sit with me. As he did, I tried to take check of all of my emotions. Pregnancy really did bring out the emotional side of me. It's like everything was incredibly amplified. I was angrier. I was more vulnerable. I was sadder. I was more afraid that I had ever been before. 

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