Nineteen: Perry/ Cameron

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A/N: Both parts are spicy 


As I finished off my third piece of cake, I watched as all my family members continued to dance on the dancefloor. While licking the rest of the chocolate off my fork, I glanced over at Aaron next to me. He was watching Aly and Allen dance with Mickey ears on their head. I took that opportunity to take a bite of the cake on his plate. When he turned back towards me he smiled, kissing my cake filled cheek.

When footsteps were running towards us, I looked up to see Aly and Allen stopping in front of our table. They were still laughing as the music was loudly playing. Allen's Mickey ears were starting to slide off his head, both of them breathing heavily.

"Did you know we're allowed to go through the park tonight?" Allen excitedly asked while running a hand over his sweaty face. "We can go wherever!"

"Yeah!" Aly said with a happy smile. "Francine told us that we're getting our very own guide. They're going to even open certain things for us. How cool is that? Shawn and his clan are coming with us."

"That sounds pretty awesome," Aaron said as he dug in his pocket for his wallet. He was then handing money to both of them, who stared down at the money like he had just given them diamonds. "Have fun tonight."

"Whoa, is this really for us?" Allen asked with a gasp.

Aaron laughed as he nodded. "Of course it is. It's not every day that we're in Disney, so have fun."

"Wow, thanks dad!" Allen's face fell the moment he said that, suddenly looking extremely nervous. "Sorry," he said while glancing down at the ground.

Aaron quickly stood up before gently placing his hand onto Allen's shoulder. "Why are you apologizing?"

"I know that some foster parents get weirded out when the word mom or dad comes up. I'm used to it."

"Well, it's a good thing it doesn't weird me out." I smiled as I got up and stood next to Aaron as the boys looked between each other. "And as far as Perry and I are concerned, you two are our sons."

I quickly nodded while smiling between them. "It's true. No matter what happens, you'll always be family to us. We'll always be here for you whenever you need us."

Instead of responding Allen quickly came forward and wrapped his arms around Aaron. Aly had wrapped his arms around me almost the same time that Allen had moved. Our separate hugs turned into a giant family hug before Francine suddenly called for them behind us.

She was standing in the courtyard, a giant horse drawn carriage behind her. "Let's go boys! Your ride for the evening is here."

Their faces lit up as they smiled at us one more time before running over to her. I then saw Shawn, his wife and kids all followed behind them. Their laughter was heard even as they drove off into the park, making me smile. I then glanced up to see Aaron wiping his eyes before looking down at me and picking me up into his arms. I loudly laughed while wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I think that was one of the greatest moments of my life."

"Just wait until we get some alone time."

His eyebrows rose as he smiled. "Guess we better get going then huh?"

We then went around to everyone and thanked them again for coming. Tomorrow was our last day in Disney and we'd be spending the whole day at the park with them, so I didn't feel bad about leaving. Everyone was pretty tired from dancing so hard anyway, it seemed like the party was starting to die down. It also being my wedding day, I felt like I could leave at any moment to ravish my husband. I have a husband now, I thought while biting my bottom lip in happiness. It felt so nice to finally say that.

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