Eleven: Cameron

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The funeral was finally over, probably one of the worst things I've had to witness. I really don't remember ever seeing my grandparents or dad cry so much. The whole thing honestly broke my heart. It was still weird that Greg was gone; we had gotten really close the past few years. I could see how destroyed my dad was and I felt pathetic for not being able to do anything. Even now, my parents were standing outside of the church with my grandparents. They had come back to the church after he was buried and continued to thank everyone. Now basically everyone was gone, except for immediate family.

        Wiping my eyes once again, I walked over to them and watched as my father smiled down at me. He opened his arms and engulfed my body into a hug. "Do you guys need anything?"

        "We're okay," my father said as he rubbed my back with his hand.

        My eyes wandered over to where Hugo was talking with Cleo. It looked like he was softly singing to Huck, who was laughing and giggling. When those blue eyes were suddenly looking over at me, I quickly looked away.


        Looking up I saw Perry jogging over to me, Aaron loping behind him. When he reached my side he stopped and heavily breathed while holding his stomach. "Hey uhm, can we talk?"

        As I was about to decline my father suddenly said, "Go talk. I'm going to take your dad and grandparents back home. Perry, maybe breathe a little."

        Perry chuckled as Aaron caught up behind him. "Thanks Wes, I'll try that."

        After I hugged my parents and grandparents goodbye, Perry shoved his hands into his pockets and gave me a small smile. "Can we take a walk?"


        My eyes wandered back over to Hugo, who was still talking with Cleo and now Sebastian. When I looked back over at Perry he was looking at me with worry before I took off. There were beautiful trees behind the church and what looked like a small gazebo. I walked towards it before looking at all the flowers around. They were the only thing that color, everyone here was dressed in black. It was nice to see something so vibrant and full of life. It seemed as if I didn't have much life anymore.

        "Cam," Perry said from behind me. I turned to see him smiling at me, his shaggy hair falling into his eyes. "Look," He said while frowning as Aaron leaned against the gazebo behind him. "I'm really sorry that I was so mean to you before. I should have taken everything you said more seriously. I can't lose you as a friend, I love you so much and I'm sorry I'm such a dick." His eyes then looked me up and down. "Are you okay?

        With a shrug I looked back out at all the trees and flowers. "I don't know what's wrong with me. And I'm not just being dramatic." When Perry opened his mouth to respond I held my hand up. "I may not have a reason to be so sad. I mean I have a great husband, I have a son now and-" I stopped when I felt more stupid tears form into my eyes. "I don't know what's wrong with me Perry. I know I have someone who loves me, hell he took a bullet for me when we weren't even dating. I just... I don't know. It was like something switched inside my brain and now I feel so empty. I don't want him seeing me like this, so unappreciative of him. He has always put me first and now I won't even sleep in the same bed as him."

        When I started crying again Perry walked closer and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. I cried into his shoulder as he held me closer to him. "Oh Cameron, I hate that you've been going through this by yourself."

        "I don't like bringing people into my problems."

        "Oh trust me I know," Perry said. "Remember when Reno was still a dick and hurt you? You didn't want anyone to know at first. Now," he said when he pulled back and looked at me. "If you'll stop being so stubborn and let people help you-"

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