Bonus: Andy

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I groaned while rolling over in my bed, the sunlight making me squint. When my eyes finally focused I saw the empty bottle of wine sitting on my bedside table. As I ran a hand through my messy hair I yawned before grabbing my phone. There was a message from Aaron reminding me they were moving into mom's house today. After quickly typing a response I rolled out of bed before practically falling into the shower. Once I was done I walked back into the room to see Aaron had responded with, Are you just now getting up? Come on Andy, you said you'd be here to help us.

Instead of responding I simply continued to dry myself off before throwing on a random pair of sweats. After brushing my teeth I threw on a random shirt before walking out to my car. As I was shoving a muffin in my mouth I pulled up into my mom's driveway, noticing there were lots of cars here.

After opening the front door I heard so many voices it was making my head hurt. I noticed Aaron was moving a box, a blonde haired boy chatting away as he followed him. Perry was talking to Cleo as she helped him unpack a box. There was a silent boy sitting on the couch next to Sebastian, who seemed to be talking to him about something. That was when I saw my mom walk into the room, her eyes lighting up when she saw me.

"Hey honey!"

She leaned up to kiss me on the cheek before hugging me. "Hi mom."

"Are you hungry?"

Just thinking about all the alcohol I had last night made me cringe. "No thanks, I'm good. So how's it going here?"

"Fine that everything is now done," Aaron suddenly said as he gave me a flat look.

"Oh whatever," I said.

It looked like Aaron was going to say something but simply stopped. He then turned his attention back down to the boy standing next to him. "Andy, this is Allen."

Aaron had told me about Allen and Aly, I just hadn't met them yet. Allen looked up at me with a blank expression. "Hey Allen, nice to meet you."

"Hey." He then motioned to the other boy sitting on the couch as he said, "That's Aly."

"Hey Aly."

Aly simply looked up at me for half a second before glancing down at his hands. I looked back over at Aaron to see him smiling between Aly and Allen. He was acting almost father like towards them, making me frown at the family portrait I saw on the wall. If only my dad and Liza were still here. When I noticed my mom giving me sad smile, I smiled back before walking around her and into the kitchen.

I stopped when I realized the woman from Cleo and Sebastian's place was here. She was currently rocking a baby in her arms, looking exhausted. "Oh, hi." She looked up at me with big blue eyes, a smile falling onto her face. "Penelope... right?"

"Yeah, hi." She moved some brown hair out of her eyes as I walked closer to her. "Andy?"

"That's me."

She smiled, two dimples appearing on her cheeks. "Sorry if this is weird, I know I'm just hanging out in your mom's kitchen. And we hardly know each other."

I laughed while leaning against counter. "No worries, definitely not the weirdest situation I've been in."

Penelope smiled again as the baby in her arms suddenly started to cry. When she started to quiet her down I held my arms out and asked, "Want me to hold her?"


"Only if you're okay with it. I know we don't know each other. But I swear, I'm a decent guy."

Troubled Soul (manxman) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now