Sixteen: Perry/ Aaron

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Aly continued to cry in my arms as Aaron wrapped a fluffy blanket around us. He hadn't said what had happened but whatever it was, didn't make me feel good. When his sobs had finally started to slow down, I asked Aaron to grab a small bag of ice. When he came back I pulled back ever so slightly to gently place the ice onto his face. He instantly flinched when the cold touched his skin, making me run my free hand gently on his hair. It made me furious to see bruises and dried blood on his innocent face. How could people hit each other, especially a child?

As Aaron sat behind Aly on the couch, I took the bag of ice off his face after a few minutes. I then gently wiped the few remaining tears away before asking, "What happened tonight Aly?"

He looked down at his hands that were bawled up into the fluffy blanket. "My foster parents found out I've done drugs since rehab. They found Allen dealing and went bananas. They started beating on him until he told them whose he's been dealing to. They marched into my room and demanded I tell them about the drugs. When I tried to deny it, because I was scared and didn't know what to do, they lost it. They kept saying how ungrateful I was and then they said they wanted me out." His eyes started to fill with tears again before he shut them. "They said they were going to try and find someone else to become my foster parents. Apparently Allen and I had disgusted them so much they couldn't even look at us anymore." He then looked back up at me as he whispered, "I didn't know where else to go."

I then wrapped my arms back around him while pulling him into my chest. His fingers clung onto my back as he cried harder. "You are always welcome here. And no one is going to hurt you here, I swear."

Angry tears were forming into my eyes as I held onto Aly harder. "I swear I haven't done heroin, please believe me."

"I do believe you Aly," I said while tightening my arms around him.

"My foster parents didn't believe me."

"We believe you," Aaron's voice said as he wrapped the blanket more around Aly. "And always will. Can you tell me the name of your foster parents?"

Aly took multiple deep breaths before he whispered, "Drew and Kate Wilson."

I scrunched my eyebrows at Aaron, silently asking what he was planning. He simply shook his head before standing up. "I'm just going to grab some food, I'll be right back."

With that he left, giving me a sneaky suspicion he was up to something. When the apartment was quiet I looked down to see Aly completely passed out in my arms. Suddenly remembering Cleo had texted me earlier, I gave her a quick reply before resting my head onto the couch cushion. I sadly shut my eyes before pulling the blanket closer around us. Having Aly in my arms made me realize that even though I've lost kids, there were still kids out there who needed me. I felt connected to Aly because both of our parents weren't the best. And if I wasn't there for him, who would be?


As I walked up to the large house in front of me, I could feel the anger bubbling up inside of me. It upset me that someone could hurt a child, especially one they were fostering. What the hell was wrong with people? I wasn't sure if Perry would be okay with what I was doing, but I knew he wasn't okay with what those people did. I may have pulled a few strings with a cop I was pretty close with, since I had interviewed him multiple times. At first he was really reluctant to give me any information and flat out said no when I was trying to find an address. However, when I told him these people had hurt children, he gave it over.

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