Seventeen: Wes

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"Is this something you think would even work?" Aaron's frazzled voice asked through the phone.

I continued to type on my computer while trying to think of a process in my mind. "I do believe it'll work, yes. This isn't my first time working with the foster care system but this might take me awhile to work through. Legally you two need to become foster parents. The Wilson's are still listed as they're foster parents, but obviously no one is going to let them have custody right now. Make sure you get picture documentation of all their bruises and cuts. Now you mentioned something about moving to your mother's house?"

"Yes. Do you think if we took them there it would help our case better? It's a lot bigger than our apartment and they'll both have their own rooms."

A smile spread onto my face while listening to him. When he had first called me, the protectiveness in his voice had startled me. I had never met Aly or Allen, but it seemed like they were very important. I was excited to meet them. I was also excited to help him with a case, to make sure they stay in their house. The only thing that was going to get a little tricky was when we'd all be leaving for Florida soon. Perry and Aaron's wedding was just around the corner and I wanted to make sure things were in place. That was much easier said than done. Perry and Aaron were like sons to me, and I was going to make sure I'd help them anyway I could. My law degree will definitely be put to the test.

"Yes, I do believe that will help."

"I really appreciate you helping me with this Wes. I honestly don't know how to ever repay you."

"Don't worry about it Aaron, this is what family does for each other."

I could hear multiple people trying to talk to Aaron in the background, before he sighed. "I have to go; I need to edit something really quick. Please let me know if there's anything else you need from me. And Wes, thank you again."

"You're welcome Aaron; I'll talk to you soon."

After hanging up, I grabbed my coffee while continuing to look through my computer. Before I knew it the day was ending all too soon, multiple yawns filling my office. When my eyes were heavily drooping I packed up my computer and grabbed a few files before walking out to my car. When I finally got home, I walked through the door while continuing to yawn.

A delicious smell was wafting through the house, my stomach rumbling as I walked into the kitchen. I saw Noah dancing around the kitchen, singing along to a song playing off his phone. There were cookies and brownies sitting on the counter, tacos and pasta sitting next to them. For the first time in awhile, he actually looked happy. He hadn't baked anything at home since Greg died. He hadn't had a real smile on his face either, which was why this sight was so wonderful to see.

When he looked up and saw me, he smiled widely before running over and wrapping his arms around me. "Hi," he said while kissing me.

"Hey." He relaxed in my arms while I rested my head on his shoulder. "God you smell good."

"That's because I showered this morning."

I laughed while kissing his neck before looking down into his eyes. "Mm so I can't shower with you tonight?"

He giggled when my lips reconnected with his neck again, his fingers gripping into my hair. "Well, if I get nice and sweaty I'll have no choice but to take another one."


"But before that, come on let's eat."

He pulled me over to the large amount of food sitting on the counter before he took my tie off and threw it onto the table. After I bit into a taco, I took my suit jacket off before putting it onto the back of a chair. Noah started digging into the pasta while I continued to eat my taco.

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