Don't Miss Dinner Or You'll Get Stomachache

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Before you guys throw tomatoes at me. I want to apologize. I just entered university last year and become so busy with moving. Thank you for waiting.

Chapter 3 : Don't Miss Dinner or You'll Get Stomachache


At Yorozuya.

It was already way past dinner time in Yorozuya, Shinpachi is tapping his foot to the floor looking worried.

"She is late, Gin-san. It's already 10 pm." Said the glasses boy to perm head who is watching something on the television.

"She probably with your sister at the club." Said Gintoki nonchalantly still glued to the television.

"I already went to see Aneue, but she said she didn't see her today."

"Then she must be playing bugs with that sadist police officer again."

"But she never miss dinner!" Shinpachi raised his voice. Then finally Gintoki moved his head from the television.

"Ah, you're right. Now I'm worried."

"I'm going to g--"

Before Shinpachi could stand up properly, a loud knocking is heard from the front door. Then a voice comes, it sounded so desperate and hurried, "Danna! Danna, open the door!"

"That voice is... Okita-san?" Shinpachi runs to open the front door and saw the First Division Captain without his black jacket and a sling on his right hand, "Okita-san?! What happen to you?!"

Ignoring the glasses he ask, "Where is Danna?"


And with no pause, Sougo entered the Yorozuya with Shinpachi behind him. Inside, Gintoki is still sitting on the chair but the television is off. He examined the brown haired man briefly.

"Yo Okita-kun, what happen to your arm?"

"China is kidnapped." Said Sougo, still ignoring other question. He didn't have much time for silly questions right now. It's only a few hours before dawn.

The Yorozuya duo is shocked hearing the news.

"Kagura-chan is--?!"

"Who the hell can kidnap that brat?"

"He is a Yato. Drugged her to sleep and order two of his men to hold me while he's taking China to his ship. Those two guys are in the HQ right now." Sougo explained with a scowl.

"Where is that ship?"

"At the harbour. They'll leave this morning."

"Sigh... That kid always get kidnapped. How many times have this happen?" Gintokl ruffled his hair, "And you, what kind of policeman that let people kidnap a little girl."

"Gin-san!" Scold Shinpachi, "Okita-san is injured. He faught them, he did his job, but they are too strong, isn't that right, Okita-san?"

Sougo doesn't answer it. Those words hit right into his pride. He lost to two guys and let a girl kidnapped. Has he become weaker?

'Am I too weak that I can't even protect her?'

"What are you going to do now?" Gintoki asked as he standing up placing Touya-ko in its regular place.

"Most of Shinsengumi officials are now raiding a terrorist HQ. There's only my men and a few people who guard the Shinsengumi HQ. I'm going to raid that ship with my men. But if they are more than what I have fought before, we are going to lose for sure."

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