A Goodbye Doesn't Mean You Won't See Each Other Anymore

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HIYA!! Your favorite author is here!! Mitsuki desu!!
This is a chaper where I put my imagination on chapter 551. Of course it's OkiKagu. That chapter is the most beautiful chapter I ever seen in Manga.

Well just read the story! Please tell me what do you think of this story!!
Characters and Pictures aren't mine. Gintama isn't mine. If it was mine... I will make this fanfic comes true... And Gintama wouldn't be a really AMAZING anime like this... Love the Gorilla~!! Hope you can become a cheesecake!

~~~~~Second Story~~~~~

'Shinsengumi will escape to another place.'

The former First Division Captain of Shinsengumi, Okita Sougo, is lost in his thought. He keeps walking under the rain searching for someone. He didn't know why he searching for that person, he just felt he wanted to, he needed to.

'This is your last day in Edo, use it well. And be sure to say your farewell.'

In the road, he's wondering why is he getting himself wet under the rain to just find this person. He began to doubted himself for the first time in his life and wanted to take a turn to the ramen shop to eat his favorite ramen that he always eat when he was ditching work for the last time or maybe visit his sister's grave. But he can't make his feet to turn away after seeing a familiar purple and red color.

He stepped his feet into the bridge, keeping his head low and walking behind the person he was looking for. The rain is covering the sound of his footsteps but somehow, before he can call that person, that person noticed him first.

That person is a girl and his rival. She is a fourteen years old alien from a Yato clan that has a really big power and appetite. Her name is Kagura. She has a pair of blue eyes and vermilion hair. As usual in her hand is her purple umbrella and that actually reminds him of the person he fought in the ship days ago. Red Chinese dress warped her fair skinned body and he kind of jealous of her that she has many kind of dress to wear in this anime and most of the other character just have one or two kind of clothes.

But he decided to set that kind of thinking aside, what he is trying to do is how to tell a farewell to this stupid girl. Why is he wanted to tell her this anyway? She must heard about Shinsengumi leaving Edo from someone else, but he has this feeling that wanted to tell her with his own words. His own farewell. But he doesn't know what he should say. So he stays quiet listening to what the girl said about Yorozuya staying at Edo. Hearing that, he placed his arm on the bridge and started to talk.

He absolutely doesn't agree with the idea Yorozuya staying at Edo. They lost too much and he doesn't plan to let someone die anymore. He doesn't want anyone to die. He doesn't want her to die.

Then after saying how he doesn't agree with her staying there, he was thrown into the river. He was shocked, but then looking at the girl face and words made him feel like he was so stupid before.

'How can I forgot that this girl is a monster? She can take care of herself...'

Another words exchanged and weapons clashes. The both of them understand each other too well. Farewell is just not their style, they more like fighting and insulting each other in this last day. Well maybe not last. This time. Because he is going to be back to Edo, to his home, to her.

This girl doesn't need any words of farewell.

After the final blow, he just sat there smirking, no, smiling. He slowly lifted his head looking at the girl across him in the same condition as him. Tired, beaten and happy. The same as always when they fight.

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