An Unusual Normal Day

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This fanfic is inspired by a fanart I found somewhere... But I can't find it anymore... ._.

~~~~Third Story~~~~

It was a peaceful day in Edo. It so peaceful that even Zura (Zura janai, Katsura da!) and friends didn't do anything today. And Shinsengumi too didn't have anything to do, they mostly just play badminton somewhere or maybe stalking someone.

But a peaceful day is so boring in Edo. That what a sadist thought.

Okita Sougo, Prince Sadist of the Sadistic Planet, walking through the street of Edo, doing his duty as a police officer. He just casually walking with his MP3 katana by his side. Feeling bored as hell today.

But suddenly he stopped his step in front of the park. He turned his way and enters the park, wanted to relax from his patrolling duty.

He wanted to sit at the bench that he always use but the world is against him today because someone already took it. That someone actually made a smirk in the First Division Captain's face.

He walks closer to the person who holding a purple parasol. The parasol is protecting her from the sunlight and hiding her face to from the sadist place.

"Oi China." He called her, but she didn't respond to him like she usually would.

Didn't get the respond he wanted, he just went to sit beside her. And again she didn't respond.

Sougo tilted his head a little to see her face.

'Asleep huh... Gross, she's drolling...'

She, Kagura, as Sougo said is sleeping. She sitting on that bench while holding her parasol. Her blue eyes are closed and her mouth is open, you can even hear her snoring a little. And that made the Captain chuckled.

'But still... It's boring... I should have bring my marker...'

Sougo regret that he didn't bring his marker after expressing his artistic mind into Hijikata face this morning.


#Whooss.... (This is wind sound)


Kagura's parasol fell down because of the wind that blowing so hard today. But luckily Sougo catch it and decided to hold it.

"Stupid umbrella..."

Sougo still sitting there while holding Kagura's parasol. Thinking something that I don't even want to know. Maybe he's thinking something sadistic again.

"Aru... I want more... Sukonbu... Aru..."

Sougo heard a voice from beside him. It was Kagura's voice. And as she said that, she is falling down from her sit. Well, almost. Because Sougo is the I-hate-this-girl-but-I-would-always-save-her kind of guy, he caught her in time before she can hit the ground and put her head on her shoulder.

"Why the hell am I doing this...?" Because you are in my fanfic, brat. (S : Brat? I'm older than you stupid author.) Oh yeah? Well I can do anything here. So just shut up and continue the story... Brat. (S : 'Kay... Stupid.) (Edit Sept 2019 : HA! I'm older than you now!)

Ignore what that sadist said and let's continue to the story.

The brat is still shitting in that bench. Doing what a gentlemen should do.

"You stupid asshole... Give me back my sukonbu... Sadist..."

"Pfft... What the hell is her dream is?"

Sougo laughed at her action in her sleep. Her eyes is still closed but her hands is waving everywhere everytime she said something in her sleep. And that hands really bother the sadist. But well... He didn't mind actually.

"Hn." Sadist smirked.


*Insert author screaming here*

Sougo... Sougo... Is... *insert author screaming* Ehem...

Sougo kissed Kagura on her forehead gently. Then smiling weirdly by himself.

Kagura herself is still sleeping peacefully on Sougo shoulder and didn't move an inch. Infact she looks more relaxed in her sleep right now.

"Heh." He took his sleeping mask from his pocket. Put it and then start to sail into the dream world~

The End.



"*sigh* I want to eat chocolate parfait..." A man is walking beside the park with his dead fish eyes holding his sugar filled stomach.

"Eh? Isn't that Kagura?" He squinted his eyes and blinking twice, "W-w-w-w-wait isn't that Souichiro-kun beside her? Eh?? Eh?!!! When did that happen??!!"

Real End!!


Hello guyz!! And thiz iz the end~
I probably won't write OkiKagu anymore~ :'v
Next week I have a testzzzzzzz!!!!! 😂😂

And I haven't underztand a thing in Math!!! (TдT)

Okay then... Um... Good bye~ And I think Kagura is jealouz in the lazt part of the latezt episode~~ (*'ω`*)

Thank you for Reading
Zorry for Mistakez
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I alwayz love my readerzz~

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