Playing in The Rain Isn't That Bad. But Please Take A Warm Shower After It.

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~~~~~Sixth Story~~~~~

It was a rainy day. The dark clouds in the sky are crying and those tears reach the ground. Even though the far away coulds look so bright white.

It was quiet. But the rain was so loud and feel so cold. Even though it was a really sunny day yesterday.

It's been a week since that day. Since the day his sister, the only person he loved, left him. And it's been a week since he start his usual patrolling job.

Well he was the last one in Shinsengumi who went back to Edo from Bushu and the last Okita in the world.

He's alone now.

Somehow he felt alone. Even though in this rain there are so many people here in Edo.


The boy stop from walking. He saw a familiar purple color in the middle of those colourful umbrellas. But those colourful umbrellas don't really feel colourful at all. It's more like black and grey compared to the purple one.

That purple keeps moving forward and forward leaving the boy. Being pulled by something invisible, he start to walk towards the purple.

He didn't know for how long he was following that purple umbrella. He doesn't even know why is he following it. So he start to stop again and walk back to elsewhere.

He then arrived at a park. It's empty now because of the rain, children that usually here are trapped in their home.

Where is his home anyway?

Sighed, he sat down on one of the benches there and just feel the rain that hitting him since hours ago. He is so wet and cold. But, he didn't care anymore.

"I thought you died already. Didn't see you for weeks."

He only ignored that familiar voice.

Died, huh. Why people are dying? Why did Aneue have to die?

He feel a warm feeling beside him and he can't feel the rain anymore. A little girl just sat beside him and her large umbrella covering the both of them.

"Don't get the wrong idea. This umbrella is just so big."

He ignored it again.

"Where have you been anyway? Hell?"

He finally smile a bit. Not a happy smile or his usual smirk. Only a meaningless smile.

"Yeah maybe."

The rain still pouring and didn't seems to stop anytime soon. The both of them are still there too.

"Why are you here then?"

He doesn't know. So he just stay quiet. But she actually didn't wait for an answer and talk some more. Some words that she didn't even believe she would share to him.

"You know..." She started, "I've been in Hell too."

The boy beside her tilted his head to her a little, seems interested to hear what she want to say.

"It was dark, cold and I was alone."

Dark, cold, alone.

Those words echoed in his head.

"It was raining like this too."

The boy was listening to every words she say and those words just hit it right in his heart. It hurts so much, but he didn't show it to her. Not to her.

But those words she use just fit him perfectly. She has been in the place he is now.

Is she just like him?

He raised his head higher to see the girl face.

She smiled softly. Those blue eyes are sparkling.

He looked at his reflection on the puddle. Those red eyes are dead.

The opposite of her.


"But... The rain is no more now. Ever since I come to this planet."

Then suddenly he just realized that the rain has stopped. Slowly lights can be seen from those dark clouds. And it's getting warmer too.

"I'm now... Not alone. I have meet so many people. I'm glad to meet Gin-chan and the others."

Yes, of course. She has them. She has friends. Well he? He only has so much enemies that wanted to kill him. He doesn't have anyone.

"And I meet you too."

He surprised by those words. He looked at her again. She was smiling so weirdly but feels so warm.

"We are similar."

Similar? It's more like an opposite. She's definitely stupid.

"That's why I know. You have so many friends too."

She's so stupid. Why would she said that? It's only made him more emotional now. He can't help but smile.

"You're so stupid, China."

"Is that all you have to said after I said all of that, bastard?"

She then smiled to at him.

"Welcome back, Sadist."

"Yeah. Thank you, brat."


Haha!! Just a short one shot that I made today. I'm just too bored at school.

And for this one shot I realize something. Kagura is actually more mature than Sougo in that aspect. Kagura has to live alone since she was so little with her sick mother, while Sougo still being spoiled by his sister.

I haven't watch Mitsuba arc the second time to really understand what Sougo really feels. (I'm too coward to watch it again.) But between Sougo in Mitsuba arc and Kagura in the recent arc (I don't know the arc name, it's the arc where Kouka dying.) Kagura definitely more mature than Sougo.

So Sougo is more mature in common sense(?) like he would know what should he do or not. But he can't take those strong feelings, he can't handle his own emotions. But Kagura can. They are so perfect! Filling each other weakness!

Okay! See you next story!

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