When Stranger Greets You Like They Know You Is Awkward

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~~~~~Eighth Story~~~~~
Chapter 1 : When Stranger Greets You Like They Know You is Awkward

It is a nice day in Edo. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On day like this, kids like these guys,

 On day like this, kids like these guys,

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should play with bugs or something. But instead they are having a pretty fierce battle in the park.

"Oi China! Your moves suck! Are you tired already?!" Said the brown haired boy.

The girl he's fighting with didn't say anything, instead she points her purple umbrella on him and bullets come out of it. I wonder where those bullets come from and how did she get those. But that's not important right now. The boy is deflecting all of her bullets with his sword skillfully without getting hit by it once.

"Damn it!" The girl cursed, "Stop moving, Sadist!"

"Heh, I would never do what you said!"

They continue their fight until the sun goes down and both of them laying on the ground panting and sweating hard.

"Seems like... It ended up... Draw again..." Said the boy, Sougo, trying to stand up with the help of his sword.

"...No... Way... Look at your shoulder... My bullet... Got it..." Said the girl, Kagura, still laying on the groud.

Sougo looked at his right shoulder and sure there is a little scratch and blood on his shoulder, but he got worse than this before.

"This is just a little scratch. It didn't mean anything." He said then sitting on the chair, "You seem even worse than me, you can't even get up on your own right now."

"I'm just looking at the stars, okay?!" Kagura screamed at Sougo, "I'll get up soon after I found the Neverland stars."

"Yeah right. Even without going to Neverland, I'm sure you'll stay being a kid forever." Sougo laughed and that made Kagura even more angry.

For a few minutes, it was quiet. Both of them aren't fighting or bickering with each other. The stars are beautiful even though there is no Neverland star there.

Kagura get up and sat beside Sougo. Then Sougo starts to talk again,

"So did you found the stars?" Kagura ignored him, "You should go home. Little kid shouldn't go out at night."

"I'm not a kid!"

Suddenly a bomb smoke is thrown in front of them, made them to stand up and readying their weapons.

"What the--?!"

After a while the smoke disappear and three guys appear from the smoke.

The guy in the middle who seems to be the leader of the two other guys has a really bright yellow short hair with a long bang framing his face. He also has a pair of light blue eyes. He is smilling confidently, that made the air around him sparkling. (He's secretly a descendant of Armstrong family 👍)

The other two guys are bigger than the bright yellow hair guy. Both of them also seem a lot more older and scary than the smilling guy. But what catches Kagura eyes was the three of them each holding an umbrella similar to hers.

'Yato?' Kagura thought.

"Good evening, Kagura-chan. It's been a long time since I saw you!" The guy on the middle said happily, stepping closer to Kagura.

Sougo beside her stays quiet listening and still keeping his hand close to his sword. He sensed danger coming out of that weird guy even though he looks harmless with that smile on his face. But still, that smiling guy had that same umbrella as China, so he must be the same kind as the girl.

'And they seems to knew each other...' Sougo thought.

"Who are you?" Kagura said, pointing her weapon to the guy.

'Well, I guess no...'

The guy smile twiching a bit hearing what Kagura has said but he still talking to Kagura with a sweet tone, "Oh my Kagura-chan! How can you forgot? I'm your fiance, Riku!"

"I have a fiance?!"

"You have a fiance?!"


And cut!

Sorry for the short chapter. This one is more like a prologue so next chapter hopefully I can make it longer.

This new arc is somewhat a cliche story, those fiance things and then the main guy become jealous, so I don't have any confidence in it but I hope you guys like it! I had fun writing it tho.

And before I write the next chapter, I want to clean up this book a bit. Changing the title, summary, cover, and the order of the chapters. This book is really messy.

Thank You for Reading
Sorry for Mistakes
Love and Peace~

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