Part 18: Fiancé

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It's been 3 months since Damien proposed to me, and I've been in natural bliss since then. I can never seem to get that special moment out of my head. Me and Damien have been planning our wedding already, we are going to have a fall wedding at a park when the trees have turned. Damien does his best to seem interested but I can tell, he doesn't really know what he's doing, but it's ok I still love him.

"Hey babe, you ok?" I hear from the door as I throw up more. "Yeah I think so." I reply. For the past two days I've been really sick. I think I caught the stomach virus that my friend's daughter had when I was visiting. "This really sucks." I mutter to myself as I flush the toilet. "Hey babe, I'm going to take a quick shower." I yell out to Damien who responds with, "Okie dokie artichokie." I get in the shower and I just stand in the hot water and I feel absolutely drained. I hum along with the music that's playing from my speaker. The song is Smithereens by Twenty One Pilots. I start to cry because it reminds me of the day that Damien proposed to me. Gosh I love him. I finish up and get out, dry off, and get dressed. As I step out of the bathroom, I am greeted with the smell of something delicious. I go to the kitchen and see Damien standing there in a pink ruffled apron with my pink oven mitts on holding a bowl of my favorite soup. ( I personally love chicken and rice soup, but whatever floats your boat) He puts it down on the table and bows pointing to my soup, "M'Lady." He says. I giggle and kiss his cheek. He pulls out my chair and I sit, he then pushes me in. I start to eat and it's so good. "Baby since when can you cook so well?" I ask with my mouth full. "Since I asked your dad for his recipe, I knew it is your favorite soup." He says as he pours himself a bowl. "You are too nice, what did I do to deserve you, my fiancé." I say with a little seductive giggle. He winks at me and says, "Since you started being so sexy." I smile and we put our soup together in a comfortable silence. When we finish eating our lunch, I get up and try to take his bowl, but he takes it from me and says, "I don't think so, I'm taking care of you as long as you're sick." I roll my eyes and say, "But you've done so much for me." He puts his finger over my lips, silencing me. "I want to take care of my special lady." I smile and kiss his cheek, "I love you." I say. "I love you too."

One week later

I've been sick for almost 2 weeks now, and I'm still feeling really nauseous. I haven't been able to keep much down lately. I haven't had more than a few crackers in the past 2 days. Damien is really worried about me, but I've been reassuring him that it's just a virus, but I'm not so sure myself. Every time I get sick, I fear I have a form of cancer. And I know it's dumb, but it's because my grandma died from cancer and it started with virus symptoms that never went away. But I'm sure it's nothing for me, right? I start to get a little freaked out when I get really dizzy and things go black.

Damien's POV
I was just sitting on the couch watching my new favorite anime, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, when I hear a loud thud upstairs. "Y/n you ok up there?" I call out. No answer. I get really worried and rush upstairs to find her passed out on the ground. I freak out and call the ambulance and then call Joven.


Joven, it's Y/n, she just fainted, I called the ambulance but I want you to meet me at the hospital okay?

(Struggling to speak) I-I-Ok I'll be there, take care of her please

I'll never stop, see you there.

I hang up the phone and just hold her and carry her downstairs. In about 2 minutes, the ambulance arrive and I ride with them to the hospital.

At the hospital

Me and Joven have been waiting in the waiting room for about an hour, but it feels like days have gone by. Joven keeps trying to calm me down since I'm shaking like crazy, but how can I be ok not knowing if the love of my life is alright?

I wake up to the sound of beeping. What happened? I see there are no nurses in the room so I press the call button and the doctor comes in. "Hi Y/n, how are you feeling?" She asks. "I-I think I'm ok, what happened?" I ask. "It seems you fainted and your fiancé called the ambulance and him and your brother are out there waiting." She explains. I start to have a panic attack thinking about how much I have scared them. "Hey, Y/n you really need to calm down." The doctor says with a calming voice. I close my eyes and take a deep breathe. "If you can remain calm, I have some good news and some bad news for you." She explains. My heart speeds up, but I remain as calm as I can. "Ok, what's the bad news." I sigh. "Well actually it would make more sense if you heard the good news first." She tells me. "Ok.." I say questioningly. "So I think I can put the bad news first I guess, the bad news is that you have a bad virus and it's made you really weak, the good news is that all of you will be ok." She says. I calm down, until I realize that she said all of you. "What do you mean by "all of you" ?" I ask. "Well, you are pregnant, with twins." She says with a smile. I sigh, thank god I don't have cancer, until I realize exactly what she said. "Wait pregnant? Wait TWINS?" I say loudly. And get light headed and the doctor catches me. "Woah woah, relax Y/n, your body is already really weak right now from you being sick plus the babies. You need to take it easy." She explains to me. I take some deep breathes and calm down. "We put you on same meds to help you recuperate but you need lots of rest. You will need to stay the night and you might be able to go home tomorrow. Would you like me to send in your fiancé or brother?" She asks me. "Yes, my fiancé please." I say. She nods and leaves the room. A few minutes later a disheveled Damien barges in the room and hugs me tight and kisses me fore asking if I'm ok. His concern for me brings a smile to my face, but also makes me feel bad for making him worry so much. "Shh I'm ok baby." I say. I have some news to tell you, do you want Joven in here too when I tell you?" I ask him, and he grows a concerned look on his face. "I think that Joven should be here to hear whatever it is too." He says and leave to get Joven. I start to grow nervous and shake a bit thinking about it all. How will Joven react? Is Damien ready to be a dad? Am I ready to be a mom? Can I handle twins? I think and see Joven run in and he looks like a mess. He hugs me tightly and tells me to not worry him like that again. I half smile and then I look down, I'm shaking hard now and Damien holds my hand and gives me a reassuring smile. They are both worried. "Guys.." I gulp. "I-I'm pregnant." I manage to choke out. I expect to see an angry look from Joven to Damien but he seems, happy? "With twins..." I add reluctantly. Damien's eye bulge out of his head and he just stares at me. Joven freezes, and then smiles widely. I'm staring at Damien and shaking with a tear in my eye. He let's go of my hand and the tear falls and I shake worse. " oh my god he doesn't want this " I think, worrying myself. But instead he bends down and kisses me on the lips with a tear of his own falling from his eye. "Shh, Y/n, don't worry. I love you so much." He puts his hand on my stomach. "I love the three of you so much." He says and I sigh in relief and wrap my arms tightly around his neck. I love this man with all of my heart. And I look over and see Joven with tears in his own eyes and forms a group hug. "I think I can do this." I think to myself. "I love this man, and I have my brother and friends, I can do this. No, we can do this."

LOOK WHOS BACK!!! I know it's been a while but I really hope y'all liked this chapter. Please drop some more suggestions for this story. And I'm sorry if the chapter seems a little mainstream, but oh well. I'm going to try to update as much as I can. I've had pneumonia for the past week and I went back to the doctor today and I also have a staph infection, hooray. So I decided why not put together a nice chapter for my lovely readers. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading my lovelies! 😘

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