Part 14: Everything Will be Ok

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Damien's POV
Joven got here about an hour ago and he has tried everything. Y/n won't snap out of it and Joven is on the verge of tears because he doesn't know what to do. Then all of a sudden I hear, "GOD DAMMIT Y/N JUST SNAP THE FUCK OUT OF IT!" I run in and see Joven shaking her relentlessly and I have to shove him off. "Joven what the fuck are you doing? Are you trying to make things worse?" I say and turn to see Y/n staring at me with tears in her eyes. I kneel down and kiss her forehead and pull her into a hug. "It's ok Y/n, I'm here for you, we'll get through this, I love you." I say. After a while I pull away and turn to see Joven with tears on his face. "You really do love her, please, please help her." He says. "I'll do my best." I say. Suddenly, I have the idea to call the person who Y/n has been really close with lately.

My sister, Caiden.

Calling Caiden Haas...

C- hello? (Groggily)

D- Caiden? Hey, I'm sorry to wake you. You need to come quick. It's- Y/n. Something happened. We were on a date and some asshole groped her and something is wrong. Even Joven is here trying to get her to open up. Please. I know how close you and her are. Please. (I say almost crying)

C- Okay. First. Slow down. Second. I'll be over as soon as I can but I can't stay long. I gotta take El to the doctors tomorrow morning.

D- Aw poor El. Okay. Get over here as quickly as you can. Bye. Love you.

C- Love you too. Bye.

Time skip to when Caiden gets here, time : 12:30 am

Caiden's POV
I walk into Y/n's room and my heart drops, I've never seen her look so... empty. I walk over and kneel infront of her. "Y/n you need to tell me what happened." I tell her, she shakes her head. "God dammit Y/n I don't have time for this! Come on I'm here for you and only you let it out!" I say frustrated. She starts to sit up and sighs.

Y/n's POV
Caiden is right, as always, I do need to talk to her and let it out. "I-I can't stop thinking about how Ryan treated me and wh-What he did to me." I whisper and shiver. Caiden just holds my hands and nods her head for me to go on. "When that guy touched me, it made me have flashbacks to when I was with Ryan." I tell her, starting to cry, she leans in and hugs me tightly. "Y/n, everything will be ok, you're with Damien now, he's my brother and lord knows what I'd do to him if he ever tried any of that bullshit." Caiden says, and I slightly giggle. "Can I see Damien now, I think I'm ready." I say. Caiden just stands up and nods her head and leaves the room. No less than 30 seconds pass when Damien and Joven burst into the room and begin hugging me, showing the concern on their faces. Seeing how concerned they were made me happy, but I cried because their concern shows just how much they were hurting from what happened. "Baby what's wrong, are you ok?" Damien asks, wiping my tears. "Yeah, I just feel bad because I know how much I probably hurt you guys." I say. Joven knocks me over with a giant hug and says "We will always love you and be concerned Y/n, we love you." "I love all of you." I say. Joven let's go and Damien comes in and gives me a kiss. "I have to go, I love you Damien, you too Y/n, feel better." Caiden says and leaves. "I guess I'll go home too, Kate's probably wondering what's going on I love you Y/n." Joven says. "I love you too." I say, and he leaves.
(Time skip)
Me and Damien are lying in bed, and I realize just how safe he makes me feel.

How did I deserve to end up with a man like this?

⚠️Woah I'm sorry pals,
I haven't updated in a long time. I've been pretty busy and over the few days I had on break I napped. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I hope you liked this chapter and I'll try to be better at updating! Sorry about the shorter chapter too. Also, I need more ideas bois. Make sure you check out My Brother's Best Friend by dreamingandloving!!! Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed my lovelies!⚠️

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